
Summary: A sermon about love-God’s Way

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Intro: In many work places the customer services are very poor. It is sometimes very difficult to get through to someone without having to call back once or twice.

Yet most of the staffs are educated and experience-but it seems like they lack something .Many Christians /churches are like that also, they mean well, but lack the key ingredient.

One of the most overused words in the world today is the word love. Everyone uses it, but no can tell its meaning.

Definition: The Hebrew and Greek words for “love” have various shades and intensities of meaning; they may be summed up in some such definition as this: Love, whether used of God or man, is an earnest and anxious desire for and an active and beneficent interest in the well-being of the one loved-(others).

But many people longed for love. It has been the one thing that has cross culture, age, race, sex, social class and believes.

The whole theme of the Bible is based on the simple word-love.


As the passage open, we must understand what the Apostle Paul is saying. But to understand it, we must back track to 1 Corinthians 12 in which Paul was speaking to the Corinthians’ lack of love in their use of spiritual gifts. And therefore 1 Corinthians 13, we could say defines real love.

Friends this morning I could tell you I have read 1 Corinthians 12 and 13 number of times, but it have never affected me as it does this year.

The Warning:

1. 1Co 13:1 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. Though I speak with the tongues of men - Though I should be able to speak all the languages which are spoken by people. To speak foreign languages was regarded then, as it is now, as a rare and valuable endowment; It is evident that among the Corinthians the power of speaking a foreign language was regarded as a signally valuable endowment; and there can be no doubt that some of the leaders in that church valued themselves especially on it.

2. 1Co 13:2 And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And understand all mysteries - On the meaning of the word “mystery” see note, 1Co_2:7. This passage proves that it was one part of the prophetic office, as referred to here, to be able to understand and explain the “mysteries” of religion; that is, the things that were before unknown, or unrevealed. It does not refer to the prediction of future events, but to the great and deep truths connected with religion;

3. 1Co 13:3 And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. And though I bestow - The Greek word used here (to break off) meant properly to break off, and distribute in small portions; to feed by morsels; and may be applicable here to distributing one’s property in small portions. Charity or alms to the poor, was usually distributed at one’s gate Luk_16:20, or in some public place. Of course, if property was distributed in this manner, many more would be benefitted than if all were given to one person. There would be many more to be thankful, and to celebrate one’s praises. This was regarded as a great virtue; and was often performed in a most ostentatious manner. It was a gratification to wealthy men who desired the praise of being benevolent, that many of the poor flocked daily to their houses to be fed; and against this desire of distinction, the Saviour directed some of his severest reproofs; see [Mat_6:1-4]. To make the case as strong as possible, Paul says that if all that a man had were dealt out in this way, in small portions, so as to benefit as many as possible, and yet were not attended “with true love toward God and toward man,” it would be all false, hollow, hypocritical, and really of no value in regard to his own salvation. It would profit nothing.

Friend’s Today this is a familiar happening our society. Many are impressionist, false pretense. Many of our leaders demonstrate such-from the politicians to some of our Pastors.

Therefore friends today I encourage us to open our spiritual eyes and listen to what the Word of God is saying.

Love:The Greatest Grace

You see my brethren at the end of the day; Paul considered love as the greatest grace of the Christian faith.

Have you and I been demonstrating this love we so talked about?

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