
A Miraculous Birth

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Jan 23, 2024
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This sermon explores the idea of God wanting to bring something to birth in our lives, similar to Mary birthing Jesus, and discusses the faith and overcoming obstacles required for such a miraculous event.

A Miraculous Birth

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Every year, on December 23, we celebrate the anniversary of one of the greatest plays the NFL has ever seen. It was dubbed “The Immaculate Reception” by Pittsburgh sportscaster Myron Cope, and the phrase has stuck ever since.

The name, of course, is a play on words derived from a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, The Immaculate Conception, which is the belief that Mary herself was conceived without original sin by virtue of her future son, Jesus Christ. It is often confused with The Annunciation, the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus. I want to take that specific text as our subject for today as we talk about the birth of Jesus.

Luke’s Gospel says that the Holy Spirit was at work creating this new life in Mary. The Spirit came upon her, and she became the dwelling place of God, quite literally. Mary’s body became the place where the baby was nourished and grew, tucked safely in her womb.

But not only did she experience a new life within her physical body. The scriptures also indicate a spiritual experience as well. Her song of praise tells of a life-transforming encounter with God. There was a new life in Mary, but also a new life for Mary. Her life changed the day the angel revealed the startling news that she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. She responded with joy to be chosen for such an honor, to be the dwelling place of God.

Now think about this. As followers of Jesus, we too have been chosen to be the dwelling place of God. That very thought sounds unbelievable, impossible, and overwhelming! But this is what the new life in Christ is all about. God wants to conceive and form Christ in us. Amazing! Paul wrote to the Galatians, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you…” (Gal. 4:19)

How does this happen, the forming of Christ in us? Only through the Holy Spirit flowing within us like streams of living water, continually creating and forming us into the image of Christ. Like Mary, we experience the honor of being a dwelling place for God, who still creates and shapes and forms Christ in us today.

But in order for this wonderful thing to happen to her, Mary had to overcome some obstacles within herself. And they are exactly the same obstacles you and I have to overcome in order for the Holy Spirit to flow in our lives and cause Christ to be formed in us.

God wants to bring something to birth in our lives, just as Mary brought the Christ Child to birth.

The Obstacle of Unworthiness

The angel’s greeting to Mary: "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."(v. 28)

Mary’s response: (v. 29) Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.

What’s the trouble? The greeting seems pretty upbeat to me. I suspect that Mary felt unworthy of such special honor.

1. She was poor. To many at that time, poverty was a sign of God’s disfavor.

2. She was young. Lacking in experience and wisdom. No one would believe her or take her seriously.

3. She lived in Nazareth. A city with a bad reputation. Wouldn’t God do his work in Jerusalem?

Many of us miss God’s blessings because we don’t think we are worthy.

1. You don’t know who I am.

2. You don’t know what I’ve done.

3. You don’t know what I’ve been through.

4. I’m not smart enough.

5. I’m not talented enough.

6. I’ve failed too many times before.

7. Why would God be interested in me?

Question: Have you read the Bible? God nearly always chooses the most unlikely people to bless and work through—people most of us wouldn’t even associate with.

* Abraham—the Father of the Faithful. He pimped out his wife, twice, because he was afraid for his own life.

* Jacob—the Deceiver ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

God nearly always chooses the most unlikely people to bless and work through—people most of us wouldn’t even associate with.

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