
Summary: Pastor comes from the word shepherd. • He guides the flock. • He feeds and waters them. • He protects them and their little lambs.

Jeremiah 3:15, “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”

9 times the word “pastor” is used in the Bible. 8 of these are found in Jeremiah. One time in Ephesians. 5 times it is used in rebuke or condemnation.

His success is largely dependent upon the cooperation of the sheep.

In the life of John the Baptist, we find a good lesson on the pastor and his position.

I. He is a Natural Man

1. A man sent from God. Not to be worshipped.

2. He is a sinner saved by grace.

3. He has human temptations.

4. He has faults.

5. He does not know everything.

6. He is not omni-present.

7. He has many duties.

a. Husband

b. Father

c. Financer

d. Builder

e. Teacher

f. Counselor

II. He is a Special Man

1. Sent from God.

2. Jeremiah 3:15

3. He is God’s representative

a. Respect his office

b. Receive his message

c. Pray for his weaknesses

d. Cooperate with his efforts

III. He is a Commissioned Man

1. Sent to bear witness. Verse 8

2. Work is appointed by God, bear witness.

3. Win souls, study the word.

4. Message is appointed by God.

5. Christ is the center and theme of every truly inspired sermon.

IV. He is an Unusual Man

1. Peculiar

2. He won’t go along with the crowd.

3. Matthew 11:16-18

4. Different; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

V. He is a Faithful Man

1. Preaches plain

2. He performed no miracle. John 10:41

3. He never compromised his message. Mark 6:18

4. He died for the cause.

VI. Conclusion

1. This is the Bible picture of a Pastor.

2. If your pastor measures up, then:

a. He should be followed.

b. He should be honored.

c. He should be helped.

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