A Light In The Darkness Series
Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service message. It points people to Jesus as the Light of life.
John 8 :12
During this time in which we celebrate the physical birth of the Lord Jesus, let’s be mindful of how much brighter this world is because He came into it. Jesus declared in John 8 :12, I Am the Light of the World. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the Light of Life.
Isn’t that a great thought, the light of life. Jesus professed to being the genuine light of life by whom & in whom men can distinguished truth & error. He is the source and essence of spiritual clarify and understanding. In whom we have spiritual sight & insight. We find spiritual knowledge & wisdom, prudence, discretion & discernment. By Him & In Him we walk in integrity, confidence, boldness. He leads us upon the pilgrim pathway that prepares us for heaven as it leads us on the straight & narrow way toward heaven. Walking indicates a continuing relationship. An abiding relationship with Jesus, the Light of the World provides instruction and direction for life. Without this relationship, Jesus says we walk in darkness. We walk in the false lights of worldly wisdom & affections. Jesus is the light of life because He is life giving. He is the fountain of light and life. In Him we have the light of life. In Him we not only have true life we see true life .
An artist was painting a winter scene. Snow covered the ground and blanketed the pine boughs, cones and needles. Night was falling, and the landscape was enveloped in semi-darkness. A log cabin was barely visible in the shadows. The whole scene was one of gloom. Then the artist, using some of the yellow tints, with a few skillful strokes of his brush put into one of the cabin windows the cheerful glow of a lamp. And that lone light, its golden rays reflecting off the snow, completely transformed the impression given by the painting. In contrast to the cold darkness of the surrounding forest, that light in the window created an inviting warm feeling of love and security.
What happened on that canvas is a striking portrayal of one of the most dramatic events of all history. When the Christ-child was born in Bethlehem’s stable, a Light was placed to shine in this sin darkened world. In anticipation of the coming of the Lord Jesus, Isaiah declared, "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death; upon them a light has shined" (9:2). The apostle John testified, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4).
Light has great power. Light from a headlight can allow you to drive through the darkest and stormiest night safely. Light is the power behind photosynthesis, giving life to plants. Light, in the form of a laser, allows a surgeon to remove a cataract with great precision. Light can scare off a would be attacker.
Because light has great power, Jesus used this image to explain the power He brings to us. Darkness represents the unknown and the chaos in
our lives. The greatest darkness of all is the darkness of sin. Unconfessed sin and especially a life dedicated to sin is full of darkness. The darkness around us can be overwhelming in its enormity. The good news is that we can continually seek the help of Jesus Christ to find light in the darkness, hope amidst despair, forgiveness in spite of sin. Every Christian knows how powerful the light of Jesus is and by His light we truly see.
What about you? Has Jesus brighten your life? Have you encountered Jesus in a personal way? Is there light in your life that keeps you from stumbling in this sin darkened world? If not friend, there is hope for The Light still shines. May Christ shine through this Christmas presentation in such a way that you too might receive & follow the Light of Life. For He is "the true light which gives light to every man" (John 1:9)
Without the light of Jesus, we would be in the dark about God’s purpose for life. Christ was born here below that we might be born from above.
One day Jesus Christ will pull back the curtain of time and space, then the light of His presence, the glow of His glory & the brilliance of His splendor will radiate forth as He breaks the fabric of the eastern sky to reveal His eternal victory and claim His reward, His Church. Then we too will shine forth in the beauty of His holiness. I hope this coming transformation of His true church will include you also.