
Summary: God’s will for our lives is for us to live in constant victory. Choose to live ahead of your contemporaries. Choose to live above your circumstances. Choose to live beyond your capabilities.


Paul gave us the reason for thanksgiving.God’s will for our lives is for us to live in constant victory. In spite of this and other scriptures, why is it still a difficult task to convince many of us that God wants us to constantly live a victorious life?


1. Take God’s word seriously.

Take every word of God seriously and mourn over your sin whenever you come short of God’s standards.

Isaiah 66:2

God looks with grace and favor at those who are broken and contrite in their spirit and who trembles at the Word.

2. Believe God’s Word absolutely.

Without faith it nis impossible to enter the victorious life. Even if you have lived in defeat for many years, it doesn’t matter. If only you can see this truth of a life of constant victory clearly in God’s Word, it would be the first step towards a victorious life.

Satan knows that you cannot get anything from God except through faith, so you can imagine how he will try to fill your heart with unbelief.

Our unbelief can hinder us to receive the great things from God.

3. Confess God’s Word powerfully.

The bible says that what we believe in our heart we must confess with our mouth.

Romans 10:10

This is an important principle for it is through confession of our mouth that we give expression to our faith.

Speak to your situation. Don’t let circumstances dictate how you will live your life.

Jesus did not let the wind and the waves control the situation of his life. He spoke to his situation.


1. Choose to be a conqueror.

Do not aim to become a survivor. God’s Word declares that you are more than a conqueror.

Romans 8:37

If our goal is just to survive, we are no longer free to make the best decisions. We are no longer free to make the right decisions.

The result of this survival mentality is spiritual stagnation, maybe not death, but not exactly life either.

2. Choose to be a possessor.

It wasn’t the giants in the land of Canaan that kept Israel from possessing the land. It was the Israelite’s doubts and unbelief and their confession of an evil report that kept them out of the promised land.

It is not the giants in your life that is defeating you. Not the storms of life. Not even the devil. If you are defeated in life and has not entered into the place of abundance and victory, it’s because you have defeated yourself by wrong thinking, wrong believing, and wrong confession.

Choose to live ahead of your contemporaries. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they lived ahead of their contemporaries who compromised their faith.

Choose to live above your circumstances.

And finally, choose to live beyond your capabilities.

Philippians 4:13


Like Mary, we can boldly say, "Be it unto me, Lord, acording to your Word." (Luke 1:38)


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