A Letter Of Encouragement- Be Ready Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 16, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 56th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 6th sermon from 1 Thessalonians.
Series: Action [#56]
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
As we continue to watch the world change drastically, many have predicted that the End Times are very near. This is nothing new. There have been 44 “credible claims” of Jesus’ return date since 500 AD. There are 5 predicted returns that are awaiting future dates. From the 1st prediction in 500 AD to the latest prediction in 2020, they have all been wrong. While, not even Jesus knows when He will return; we are supposed to be prepared for His return. How do we prepare for His coming?
1 Thessalonians 5:1
You prepare for His coming by…
1. Remembering.
Sometimes a Pastor teaches new Christians new things; but often the pastor is reminding Christians of what they have already been taught and encouraging them to live it. Paul reminded them that they knew the Lord would return, even if they did not know the day. They also knew God would judge evil, even if they didn’t know exactly when. They also knew God willed them to live each day guided by faith, hope, and love. If believers with such knowledge live on the basis of what they already know, they will be prepared for tomorrow, whatever tomorrow brings.
Let’s look for a moment at the 2 types of children listed in this section and makes some comparisons.
Children of Darkness.
* Do not expect Jesus’ return.
* Suffer a false optimism regarding the future.
* Live unprepared for the coming judgment.
* Will not escape the day of the Lord.
* Are destined for wrath.
Children of the Light.
* Expect the Lord’s return.
* Enjoy a valid optimism regarding the future.
* Live prepared for the coming judgment.
* Act out faith, hope, and love.
* Possess salvation.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3
You prepare for His coming by…
2. Resting assured.
Do you have friends you can rely on? If they promise to do something you know they will follow through. Well, the promises Jesus made to His church are even more reliable. 1 day as He promised, He will return in glory and judgment.
Paul used 2 word pictures to describe the Lord’s return.
* “A thief in the night.”
How will Jesus’ return be like the coming of a thief? Jesus isn’t coming to steal; but just as the arrival of a thief, Jesus’ return will be unexpected. A thief doesn’t call ahead. “Suddenly” implies a surprise and unexpected event. Unbelievers who think they are secure will suffer unexpected destruction because they cannot see in the darkness.
* “A pregnant woman.”
How does a woman’s experience of labor compare to the Lord’s return? The labor pains come unexpectant. Verse 3 says, “And they will not escape”. The coming of the Lord is as inescapable as labor at the end of a normal pregnancy. The Day of the Lord, and the judgment that attends it, is inevitable and unavoidable. Believers know this fact, even if those outside the Church remain in ignorance and denial. The Day of Judgment cannot be avoided. Believers know this too. Are you prepared?
1 Thessalonians 5:4-10
You prepare for His coming by…
3. Living in anticipation.
Paul told the Church the Lord was coming 1 day, and he wanted them to be prepared. Some will not be ready for it. Unbelievers are like persons who stumble about in the dark or those who are drunk or who are asleep. They cannot see where they are going. They are neither aware nor watchful. They have rejected Christ so they cannot live enlightened by salvation, His life, or His teachings. They will suffer the wrath of God.
Christians on the other hand, do not live in darkness. They know the Lord is coming but they don’t know when. So, they won’t be surprised as they would by a thief at night. As children “of the day” they expect His arrival. We are to live sober watchful lives.
Predicting the date will not prepare a person for the return of the Lord, nor will selling all one has and moving to a holy place to sit and wait. Those ready will be those who are born again. We will not face the wrath of God because our sins have been forgiven.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
You prepare for His coming by…
4. Encouraging others.
We must be about encouraging one another in our Christian lives. Our destiny as Christians is all to the same place, Heaven.
How does a Church prepare for the Lord’s return? By living His love and sharing His truth. What are we going to do to see that others are not left behind?