
Summary: This is the 51st sermon in the series "Action". This is the 1st sermon from 1 Thessalonians.

Series: Action [#51]


1 Thessalonians 1:1-10


As we continue in our series Action, we are going to begin a study in 1 Thessalonians. I want us to look at the background and history of Thessalonica. Paul had been to several places. He had been beaten, thrown into jail, ran out of town, etc… He moved on to Thessalonica, 1 of the most important cities in all Macedonia. Running through the City of Thessalonica was the Egnatian Way- A superhighway of the day, tying the east and west together. There is no place in early Christendom that was as significant for spreading the Gospel than Thessalonica. The Church planted there could extend its message to the east and the west, (even to Rome itself); and that is exactly what happened.

In Thessalonica, the Apostle experienced both tremendous success and great opposition. He went to the synagogue, (which was his pattern); and told the worshipers about Christ for 3 Sabbaths. The key to our sermon today is found in the text- Being a model for others.

1 Thessalonians 1:6-7

Paul says that this Church had become a model to all of the believers around them. Christians, there should be birthmarks that show who we belong to.

1 Thessalonians 1:1-4

Evidence of a model Christian is their…

1. Works produced by faith.

We are not saved by works; but your faith in Jesus Christ should produce works. There should be evidence in a Christian’s faith in Jesus. You are not here to serve yourself; but to serve those who God has placed in your life.

Evidence of a model Christian is their…

2. Labor prompted by love.

Not only should our faith in Christ produce good works; but our works should be motivated by love. It is God’s love for us that put a perfect Jesus on the cross. It is only through God’s love that we can serve all people.

Evidence of a model Christian is their…

3. Endurance inspired by hope.

The Book of 1 Thessalonians discusses the 2nd coming of Jesus often. It is our hope of eternity with God that helps us keep pushing through. It is a hope that you know will happen, you just do not know when. When you feel stuck in life and don’t think you can keep going; remember what lies ahead for you in Heaven.

1 Thessalonians 1:5-7

Evidence of a model Christian is their…

4. Example powered by the Holy Spirit.

They were examples of belief. They received the Word of God and followed it. They became imitators of Paul and the Lord; and became a good example to all believers in the area. Others saw what a Church was supposed to be like through their example. The Christian’s behavior should stand out as an example that is completely different from the World. They gave this example while suffering for the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 1:8

Evidence of a model Christian is their…

5. Evangelism.

The location of Thessalonica made it possible for the Church to become a base for missions in the whole area. The message of Jesus Christ rang out. The Church was evangelistic. They understood that the purpose of the Church was to lift up Christ to all around them so that people will be saved. What a tragedy if a Church fails to win the lost. In the Bible you can read of Churches that no longer exist. In some cases, this is true because the cities died. In other cases, it was because the Churches became self-centered and ceased to be soul centered.

1 Thessalonians 1:9-10

Evidence of a model Christian is their…

6. Energy.

The Thessalonian Christians served enthusiastically. Many of them had been pagans, serving idols. When Paul came with the Gospel of Christ, they made a complete change and became servants of God. We should all serve the Lord in an energetic manner. These Christians also served God expectantly. They believed that Jesus Christ was coming again, and they were waiting for that glorious event. While they were waiting, they did not stop working for the Lord.


No Church today is identical to the church in Thessalonica. Each church is different. However, there were some outstanding behaviors of that Church which all Churches should imitate it. Every Church should be an example to others, have evangelistic zeal in reaching the lost, and be energetic in service. Churches come to have these vital characteristics only as the members of the Churches have them. The character of a given Church is a reflection of the behavior of its members.

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