
Summary: This is the 73rd sermon in the series "Action". This is the 4th sermon from 1 Corinthians.

Series: Action [#73]


1 Corinthians 2:6-16


The Bible teaches us that we are to be different than those that are not Christians. In our text this morning we find 3 types of persons. Do you remember the game show “Let’s Make A Deal”? On this show contestants would choose between door #1, #2, or #3. Behind some of the doors were really great prizes; but behind other doors were terrible prizes. This morning I want us to look behind 3 doors and see the types of people behind each door. Which door represents your life; and would God be pleased with what He finds or saddened?

1 Corinthians 2:6-16

1. Door #1- The Natural Person

This person is a lost person who lives their life like a lost person.

The Natural Person…

* Does what is natural.

* Has no concern for spiritual things.

* Has no understanding of spiritual things.

* Is controlled by Satan and this world.

Is God pleased by the life of this type of person? What does this person need? Jesus as Savior.

2. Door #2- The Spiritual Person

This person is saved and lives their life like they are saved.

The Spiritual Person…

* Does what is supernatural.

* Has an understanding of spiritual things.

* Is taught by the Holy Spirit.

* Has the mind of Christ.

Is God pleased with this person? Of course, God is pleased. The question is, “How do you live this way?” The things of God are always priority. Much time is spent in prayer and study of God’s Word. God makes the decisions. Have you ever heard of someone controlling someone else through mind control? As Christians we are to be out of our minds and have the mind of Christ.

3. Door #3- The Carnal Person

This person is saved but lives like a lost person.

The Carnal Person…

* Does what is unnatural.

* Is a spiritual baby.

* Is worldly.

* Is selfish and divisive.

Is God pleased with this person? In the Book of Revelation, God speaks about the person who is lukewarm. Jesus says that the lukewarm person makes Him sick to His stomach and He will spew them out.


Last week, we spoke about “Each One Reach One” and the door you stand behind will greatly affect this. If you are the Natural Person, you have no hope and what you need to do is make Jesus your Savior. If you are the Spiritual Person, Amen. Don’t stop. Keep following Christ. This also means that you are leading people towards the Savior. If you are the Carnal Person, you need to pull it together because you are hurting the Kingdom. Do you want to grow up? If so, when?

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