
A Lesson About Depression

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 23, 2023
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This sermon explores depression through a biblical lens, emphasizing that it is not a sign of spiritual weakness but a human condition that God understands and cares for. Key


Good morning, beloved family of God. It is a blessing to gather here with you today, to share in the fellowship of our Savior and to draw from the wellspring of His wisdom. We are here to seek His face, to learn from His word, and to find comfort in His promises.

Today, we turn our hearts and minds towards a topic that, although often shrouded in silence, is as old as humanity itself. It is a topic that has touched many of our lives, either directly or through those we hold dear. It is the topic of depression, a condition that, despite its prevalence, is often misunderstood or overlooked in our society, and even in our churches.

Yet, it is a topic that is not overlooked in the Bible. The Scriptures do not shy away from the reality of human suffering, but rather, they provide us with a lens through which we can view these experiences from a perspective of faith.

Depression Defined in the Biblical Context

As we delve into our teaching today, let's remember the overarching theme of our discussion - the reality of depression as seen through the lens of the Bible. We are not here to offer a clinical diagnosis or a medical prescription. Instead, we are here to gain a deeper understanding of how God's Word speaks to this very real human experience.

Our main Scripture today is from the book of 1 Kings, chapter 19, verses 1-14. In this passage, we find the prophet Elijah in a state of deep despair. He is running for his life, fleeing from the wrath of Queen Jezebel who has vowed to kill him. He finds himself alone in the wilderness, sitting under a broom tree, praying for death.

This image of Elijah is a stark contrast to the mighty prophet we see in earlier chapters, who fearlessly confronted the prophets of Baal and called down fire from heaven. Yet here he is, feeling defeated, desolate, and desiring to die.

a. This is our first glimpse into the reality of depression in the Biblical context. It is not a condition reserved for the weak or the faithless. Even Elijah, a man of great faith and power, was not immune to it.

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Now, let's look at the response of God to Elijah's despair. God does not rebuke him for his feelings. He does not tell him to snap out of it or to just have more faith. Instead, God provides for his physical needs, sending an angel to feed him and let him rest.

B. This shows us that God understands the physical toll that depression can take. He knows that our bodies and our minds are intricately connected. When our minds are heavy with despair, it can weigh down our bodies as well. God does not dismiss this, but rather, He provides for our physical needs as part of His care for us.

C. Next, we see that God meets Elijah in his isolation. He comes to him as he is hiding in a cave, feeling alone and abandoned. God asks him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" This is not a question of accusation, but of invitation. God is inviting Elijah to pour out his heart, to express his feelings of despair and loneliness.

D. This shows us that God is not distant or detached from our struggles with depression. He does not leave us to face it alone. He comes to us in our darkest moments, inviting us to share our burdens with Him.

E. Finally, we see that God reassures Elijah of His presence and His purposes. He reveals Himself to Elijah not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a gentle whisper. He then reassures Elijah that he is not alone, that there are seven thousand others in Israel who have not bowed to Baal. This shows us that God's response to our depression is not to overwhelm us with His power, but to comfort us with His presence. He reassures us that we are not alone, that He is with us and He has a purpose for us, even when we can't see it.

Divine Intervention in Times of Despair

In the narrative of Elijah, we find a man of God in the throes of despair ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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