
Summary: This is a sermon leading up to Easter. It looks at the road Jesus took to Jerusalem, and that the road is one of humility, fulfillment, obedience, and destiny. It challenges believers to take this same road for their life.

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A Journey Towards Our Destiny:

The Jerusalem Road

Matthew 21:1-11

As we begin our journey with Jesus towards Easter and the Resurrection, we’ll be taking two roads that Jesus journeyed upon as He approached His destiny, a destiny that was decided before time and the foundations of the earth even began. They are the roads that led Him not only to His death, but also to His resurrection.

Today we’ll be following Jesus’s journey towards Jerusalem, and hence the title, “The Jerusalem Road.”

Last night the stars of Hollywood came out in force at the 96th Academy Awards, or what many call, “The Oscars.” It’s the time when all the stars make their grand and glorious entrances on the Red Carpet. But they don’t come in old VW vans wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Instead, they come in chuffer driven limousines dressed to the nines.

Now, given an opportunity to make a grand entrance, most would choose the grandeur style over that of mediocrity or poverty. We would choose the blazing white stallion over the small grey donkey. And it was such a grand entrance the disciples were hoping that Jesus would make into Jerusalem.

They were hoping for some grand entrance on a blazing white stallion, sort of like the Lone Ranger, with a cloud of dust and hearty “Hi O Silver.” They were hoping Jesus would come into Jerusalem and kick out the bad guys, which in this case were the Romans.

That’s the Jesus they wanted, and that’s the type of Jesus most of us want today. But Jesus entered Jerusalem differently, and upon a road that isn’t easily followed. In fact, it’s a road that not many, if any, would choose for themselves. It’s a road that leads to the Father’s will and our destiny, which means that it’s a road that leads to death. (And while it sounds morbid, it isn’t, and we’ll get to this in just a second.)

Jesus knew all of this and said the same to His disciples.

“We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life.” (Matthew 20:18-19 NIV)

Yet even knowing this, the immeasurable amount of pain and suffer He would endure, Jesus still went. There was a deep determination on Jesus’s part to travel this road to Jerusalem and to His death. We see this in Luke’s account.

“Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51 NKJV)

In the same way we have to set our faces and determine within our hearts to follow this road that leads not only to our death, that is, death to our wants and desires, or death to our self-centered life, but also a road that leads to our own personal resurrection, especially knowing we are now new creations in Christ Jesus, that will lead to eternal life in heaven once this life is over.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, it was the time of the Jewish feast of Passover, one of the three feasts God commanded for the Jews to celebrate in Jerusalem. It was the celebration of thanksgiving for God’s mighty hand in delivering the Jews from the Egyptian captivity.

By this time, the people had heard of Jesus; heard of His great wisdom and how He had put to shame the religious leaders. They also heard of His healings and miracles. They heard how he fed five thousand with just a few fishes and a couple loaves of bread, and how He raised Lazarus from the dead. So, they lined the streets crying out, “Hosanna to the son of David,” or “Messiah, save us now.”

But what the people wanted was diametrically opposed to what the Lord was doing. Jesus didn’t enter that day to set up His kingdom; rather it was to die to save the people, not from Roman oppression, but from their captivity and bondage to sin.

And so, the Jerusalem Road for Jesus was the beginning of the end of His earthly life. And although it led to the Cross, it was also a road that would lead eventually to heaven with Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father.

And when we take this Jerusalem Road, it will not only lead to our deaths, that is, death to self, but also physical death, as we see martyrdom on the rise, but it will also lead to our resurrection and a brand-new life with God in heaven as our eternal destiny.

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