
Summary: To often, we only look at this passage of Scripture as an illustration of God’s judgement on sin. When we look a little closer, we find an example of one of the greatest missionary hearts ever found in the Bible!


To often, we only look at this passage of Scripture as an illustration of God’s judgement on sin. When we look a little closer, we find an example of one of the greatest missionary hearts ever found in the Bible! Abraham cared about people that no one else would have cared for. He did not just have a concern for the people; he let his cocern take action!

In 1886, Dr. John Pemberton’s concern took action. One day he introduced Atlanta, Georgia to his caramel-colored syrup concoction. He first distributed this concoction to Jacobs Pharmacy where Coca-Cola was sold for the first time. As it’s popularity rose, Dr. Pemberton’s concern was that every person alive should be able to taste his product at least one time in there life!

It has been over 100 years since Dr. Pemberton’s cocern took action. Surveys now show that 97% of the world has heard of Coca-cola, 72% has seen a can of Coca-Cola, and 51% has tasted Coca-Cola! (used from adapted from R. Davis)

Today, many people claim to have the same cocern for souls as Abraham but claim that the task is too great to see the Gospel truly proclaimed to every creature. Which is more important: Coca-Cola or the eternal souls who are lost with out Christ? If we are every going to truly make an impact on the world for Christ, then there are somethings we are going to have to do:

I. We must have a personal relationship with God. (vs.17)

A. It starts with a personal relationship with God through Jesus alone.( John 14:6)

B. It is maintianed through:

1. Daily Bible reading (God’s way to speak to us)

2. Daily prayer (Our speaking to God)

II. We must see the world through the eyes of God. ( Mt 9:36)

III. We must shared Christ burden for the Lost (Luke 19:10)

IV. We must interced on the behalf of others. (vs 18-33)

A. Interced through prayer

B. Interced through going (Mat. 28:18-20)

C. Interced through sending other where

you can not go (Romans 10:13-15)

V. We must realize that we do not have forever to make a difference.

(Jer. 8:20)


What we need is more people like Abraham that will let there concern move to action! Because one man let his concern move to action, 97% of the world has heard of Coca-Cola, 72% has seen one, and 51% has tasted one! What would happen if we got the burden to get the Gospel out that Dr. Pemberton had to get Coca-Cola out? Truly, every creature would then hear the Gospel!

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Conrad De La Torres

commented on Oct 17, 2006

That's great my true! Keep up the good work.

Joseph Marshall

commented on Oct 9, 2013

Thank you for your kind words. Sorry, it took so long to respond. I am trying to become more active on the site now.

Donemore Mudiwakure

commented on Oct 22, 2022

Thank you for the great helps to keep our hearts on fire for the lost souls

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