
A Good Shepherd

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 31, 2023
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Explores the depth of Jesus Christ's love, guidance, and commitment as our Good Shepherd, urging us to trust and obey Him, even in challenges.


Welcome, dear friends, to this sacred gathering where we seek to immerse ourselves in the divine wisdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our hearts are open, our spirits are willing, and we are ready to receive the nourishment that only God's Word can provide. We are here today to celebrate the love, guidance, and commitment of the Good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ, as portrayed in the Gospel of John.

John 10:11 tells us,

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

This single verse, a profound utterance from the lips of Jesus Himself, carries within it a universe of meaning, a cornucopia of lessons for us to glean. It speaks of a love so deep, a guidance so wise, and a commitment so unwavering that it can only come from the divine.

As we prepare to delve into this rich verse, let us remember the words of Charles Spurgeon, who once said, "When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight. Do God the honor to trust Him when it comes to matters of loss for the sake of principle." Spurgeon's words remind us that faith is not about convenience or comfort, but about trust and obedience, even when the path is challenging.

As these words echo in our hearts, let us bow our heads in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Word which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd who guides us, loves us, and gave His life for us. As we delve into Your Word today, open our hearts and minds to understand the depth of Your love, the wisdom of Your guidance, and the strength of Your commitment to us. Help us to apply these truths in our lives, that we may walk in Your ways and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Friends, are we ready to embrace the sacrificial love of our Shepherd? Are we ready to follow His wise guidance? Are we ready to witness His steadfast commitment? Let's find out together.

Sacrificial Love of the Shepherd

The words of Jesus in John 10:11 are a testament to an extraordinary kind of love. It's a love that isn't about self-preservation or self-interest. It's a love that is willing to lay down one's life for others. This is the kind of love that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, has for us. He was willing to lay down His life for us, His sheep. This is a love that goes beyond our human understanding. It's a love that is sacrificial, selfless, and unconditional.

It’s sacrificial: Jesus didn't just risk His life for us. He willingly gave it up. He chose to endure the pain, the suffering, the humiliation of the cross for our sake. He did it to pay the price for our sins, to bridge the gap between us and God caused by our disobedience. His sacrifice wasn't forced or coerced. It was a conscious decision, a deliberate act of love.

It’s selfless: Jesus didn't die on the cross for His own benefit. He did it for us. He did it so that we could have eternal life, so that we could be reconciled with God. He put our needs, our salvation, above His own comfort and well-being. He thought of us before Himself. His love is not about getting, but about giving. It's not about what He can gain, but about what He can give.

It’s unconditional: Jesus didn't lay down His life for us because we deserved it. He did it despite the fact that we didn't deserve it. He did it even though we were still sinners, even though we had turned our backs on God. His love for us isn't based on our worthiness or our goodness. It's based on His grace, His mercy, His unchanging character. His love for us is constant, unwavering, and unending.

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It’s a challenge to us:: It challenges us to love others in the same way that Jesus loves us. It challenges us to be sacrificial, to be selfless, to be unconditional in our love. It challenges us to put others before ourselves, to think of their needs before our own. It challenges us to love not because of what we can get, but because of what we can give. It challenges us to love not because others deserve it, but because we are called to love as Jesus loves.

It’s also a comfort to us: It comforts us to know that we are loved by Jesus with a love that is sacrificial, selfless, and unconditional. It comforts us to know that no matter what we do, no matter how far we stray, Jesus will always love us. His love for us is not dependent on our actions or our worthiness. It's dependent on His grace, His mercy, His unchanging character. His love for us is a constant, unwavering, and unending.

It’s our model: It's the kind of love that we should strive to have for others. It's the kind of love that we should show in our actions, in our words, in our attitudes. It's the kind of love that should define us as followers of Jesus, as His sheep. It's the kind of love that should be evident in our lives, in our relationships, in our interactions with others.

It’s our hope: It's the hope that we cling to in times of trouble, in times of doubt, in times of despair. It's the hope that sustains us, that gives us strength, that gives us courage. It's the hope that assures us of our salvation, of our reconciliation with God. It's the hope that reminds us of the promise of eternal life, of the promise of a future with Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

Shepherd's Guidance for the Flock

As we turn our gaze from the sacrificial love of our Good Shepherd, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of another aspect of His divine character - His guidance ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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