A Functioning Church
Contributed by George Rennau on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Truth for a church after a split, but on the mend - We are not a perfect church but we are headed in the right direction.
Illustration “Don’t Join That Church” A poem
There is no perfect Church
You know, its come to my attention that there are people talking about us and our church
I don’t know how many times people in the community have said in sort of a snide way
“O, you’re the pastor of that church”.
Like they knew all about us
And how bad things are for us over here
Up to this point, I felt like it was best to just let them go on living with their vain imaginations
My wife however has been setting an example for me recently and I have changed my mind
She got hold of something brother Ron Said in his last sermon
And when confronted by a well intended believer who offered condolences for our situation at Grace
She responded – My you have been misinformed God is still on the throne and Grace Assembly is filled with people who love God
Who love each other
And who have a purpose as a church
I believe –from this moment forward we need to proclaim to the world
That God has healed our church
And though we are not perfect
Jesus is here by his presence and we are headed the right direction
This morning I want to exhort the church
1 Tim. 3:14-15
Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, 15if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.
1. We are God’s Household
2. The church of the living God
3. The pillar and foundation of truth
We Are God’s Household
When I was first save we used to sing a song
I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God
I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this Sod
I’m a part of the family – the family of God.
I don’t know what your family was like growing up
But there are few people who had a perfect family
I ran across this little list the other day . It might have helped my family as we wer growing up
Ten Commandments for family Sanity
1. If you sleep on it - make it up.
2. If you wear it - hang it up.
3. If you drop it - pick it up.
4. If you eat out of it - put it in the sink.
5. If you step on it - wipe it off.
6. If you open it - close it.
7. If you empty it - fill it up.
8. If it rings - answer it.
9. If it howls - feed it.
10. If it cries - love it.
Just as there is no perfect family
There is no perfect church family either
We could sometimes use those same commandments around here.
If you sleep on it - make it up.
If you open it - close it.
If you empty it - fill it up.
We are called a family
How close is the correlation between real family and the church family
According to a study done of more than 500 family counselors, the following are the top 3 traits of successful families:
• Love
• Communication
• Commitment
1. Families are built on love and everything that goes with it
A minister was speaking to the Sunday school about the things money can’t buy.
“It can’t buy laughter and it can’t buy love”
he told them. Driving his point home he said,
“What would you do if I offered you $1,000 not to love your mother and father?”
Stunned silence ensued. Finally a small voice queried,
“How much would you give me not to love my big sister?”
As I said, Families are built on love and everything that goes with it
The church also needs to be built on love and everything that goes with it
John 13:35
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Jesus here is talking about brotherly love
But it is in context of His Agape love, his unconditional love
John 13:34
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Our love for family members in the Body of Christ is based upon, and in fact is enabled by Christ’s sacrificial love for us
He loved us
While we were estranged from Him
He loved us
While we were yet sinners
He loved us
And gave his life for us
So that we could do likewise
I want to read a key verse that explains the motivation for this kind of love