
Summary: No matter how hard the way gets we have got to fight to the finish!

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Text: II Tim. 4:6-8

Introduction: Paul in writing to young Timothy is very

straightforward in what he has to say. His

words seem to be filled with encouragement and

assurance that he can finish the course.

1. 2:1 “Be Strong”

2. 2:3 “Endure Hardness”

3. 2:5 “Strive”

4. 2:10 “Endure all things”

The finish line is just ahead and we are

going down the stretch. We have made many

sacrifices and faced many battles. Everything

that we have done up till now will all be in

vain if we don’t finish the race.

Matt. 24:13 “But he that shall endure unto

the end, the same shall be saved”

Heb. 6:15 “Abraham…after he patiently

endured, obtained the promise”

Heb. 11:27 “Moses endured as seeing him who

is invisible”

Heb. 12:2 “Christ...endured the cross,

despising the shame, and is set down

on the right hand of the throne of God”

James 1:12 “Blessed is the man that endureth

temptation…for he shall receive the

crown of life”

James 5:11 “We count them happy which endure”

We need to get our minds off of our

troubles, problems, and burdens. We need to

lift up our heads and with spiritual vision

see the finish line. The words of this text

give us a beautiful picture of Paul the

prisoner so near the end of his life. He is

calm as he waits during his last hours in a

dark cell. His words refer to the past,

present and future. “I have fought a good

fight, the time of my departure is at hand,

henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of



A. Paul made it clear that he didn’t reach the finish

line without opposition.

a. All of hell opposed him.

b. Demons and evil spirits came against him

c. The world pulled at him

d. The flesh tormented him

B. Life is a struggle!

a. We struggle and grapple with men and things!

b. We battle against our sinful nature and with

sheer force we try to keep it under subjection.

C. We are running a race that requires effort!

a. We must continuously advance in one direction!

b. It is an effort that keeps the lungs panting and

every muscle strained.

D. We run this race while fighting against powers,

rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness.

a. Paul told Timothy that he had fought a good


b. It will be a fight to the finish!


In 1968, Tanzania chose John Stephen

Akhwari to represent them in the Mexico

City Olympics. Along the way as he ran,

he stumbled and fell, severely injuring

both his knee and ankle.

It was 7 PM and a runner from Ethiopia

had won the race. Everyone else had

finished and there were only a few thou-

sand spectators left in the huge arena. All

of a sudden a police siren caught every-

one’s attention. Limping through the gate

came 36 year old Akhwari with his leg

wrapped in a bloody bandage. The people

cheered. A reporter at the gate asked him

the question that was on everyone’s mind:

“Why continue the race after being so

badly injured?” He replied, “My country

did not send me 7000 miles to begin a

race; they sent me to finish a race”

E. We have been through some great difficulties!

a. We have undergone demonic attacks!

b. We have been through some dark valleys!

c. We have spent months under oppression of the


F. In spite of it all we have fought a good fight!

a. We have been wounded and scarred!

b. We have shed tears and experienced broken hearts.

G. Through it all we have learned that God is faithful!

a. We have learned:

1. Greater is He that is in us than he that is

in the world.

2. We can do all things through Christ who

strengthens us!

3. We are more than conquerors through Jesus our


4. Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a


5. He is our shield, buckler, high tower!

6. He is an ever-present help in the time of


7. He will supply all of our need.

H. The attacks of the devil have been relentless!

a. He has come against our:

1. Minds

- Doubt, fear, worry depression, mental

stress and strain.

2. Finances

- One set back after another

3. Family

- Splintered, divided and broken

- The devil has tried to destroy our families.

I. Satanic attacks have been without mercy!

a. He has attacked the pulpit and the pew!

b. He has attacked the old and the young

c. Moms and Dads, Sons and Daughters.

J. We have seen that where sin abounds that grace does

much more abound!

a. God’s grace has been sufficient!

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