
Summary: This sermon looks at we are called to do as Fathers from Proverbs 3 but then takes common tools and relates them to how we can be godly fathers.

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A Father’s Toolbox

Proverbs 3:1-12


A. As we celebrate Father’s Day, we see in the Scriptures examples and commands for parents – Father’s to be active in teaching and developing their children for life and the Lord!

B. Proverbs a lot is about seeking and finding Godly Wisdom for life and most of it is about a Father – Solomon - passing down truth and life lessons to his son.

Father’s we have a huge influence on our children and our children need us to take the time and Teach them about Life and the Lord.

READ Prov. 3:1-12

Vs. 1 – The call – My Son, do not forget my teaching…

Vs. 2 – The Reason – these lessons will prolong your life and bring you prosperity. I.E. they are good for you.

Lessons to Teach our Children:

Vs. 3 – Love and Faithfulness - Vs. 4 so that you will win a good name with God and man.

Vs. 5-6; Faith and seeking God’s Ways, not our own.

Vs. 7 – about Pride vs’ Faith in the Lord, vs. 8 you will exp. Better health by trusting the Lord.

Vs. 9 – Being Generous and Giving the Lord His share – vs. 10, this will bless you with divine provisions.

Vs. 11 – The need for Discipline in life, from the Lord. Vs. 12 – because you are son to the Lord.

C. But the Question is how can we men, as Father’s teach our children for Life and the Lord?

Men today, I want us to look at some necessary tools that you might find in your toolbox at home to help remind you of how you can teach your children about: Love & Faithfulness; Faith in the lord and seeking His ways; Being Generous and Giving to the Lord; as well as the need for discipline?

(These ideas came from Pastor Oris Hubbard on, called “A Father’s Day Toolbox)


Tool #1 – Adjustable Wrench; Father’s need to be adjustable and flexible to the situations that arise. Eph. 6:4, “Father’s do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Tool #2 – Level; Father’s need to walk on level paths as an example as well as keep a Level head in relationship with your children.

Jer. 31:9, “They will come . . . I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am their Father.”

Isaiah 26:7, “The path of the Righteous is level; O upright One, you make the way of the righteous smooth.”

Tool #3 – Pliers; Every toolbox needs some pliers to hold things together. So a Father needs to hold things together in his family when everyone else appear to be loosing their grip.

Col. 1:17, “… and in Jesus all things hold together.”

Phil. 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”

Tool #4 – Cologne; How did that get in here. But it is true Gentleman, one of the greatest things you can do for your children and especially your sons to teach them about Love and Faithfulness is to love their Mothers. Eph. 5:25, “Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for her to present her holy and blameless before the Father.”

Tool #5 – Rubber Mallet; Father’s need to some urging, apply some pressure and influence but not be too hard. The Right tool for the right job.

Eph. 4:1, Paul says to the Christians in Ephesus “… I URGE you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.”

Tool #6 - Shop Towels; just like we men should clean up the messes we make so as Father’s we need to show to our children that we are not perfect. Elton John said it best, “Sorry seems to be the hardest word.” I read that most children never hear their Father’s say “I am sorry.” Seek God’s Forgiveness and your child’s when you have blown it.

1John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.”

Tool #7 – Tape Measure; Just like in doing a project, you need to measurements – so as Fathers we need to Measure our Time, Priorities, and balance with our work and family life.

Tool #8 - Extension Cord; As you consider all that we are called to teach our children (Love and Faithfulness, Faith and God’s Ways in life, Pride, Generous and Giving to the Lord vs. selfish; how accept and deal with Discipline in life, even from the Lord. You might be saying even with the tools: An Adjustable Wrench, a Level, Pliers, Rubber Mallot and Shop Towels - I am not too sure I can do it.

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Leonard Atkins

commented on Jun 13, 2007

I like good practical sermons. This one hit the nail on the head.

David Smith

commented on Jun 16, 2007

Some great Ideas. Thanks

Nathan Wachob

commented on Jun 16, 2007

Enjoyed this one very much. Very practical and easy to communicate to younger and older fathers and grandfathers.

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