Preach "The King Has Come" 3-Part Series this week!
Preach Christmas week


Summary: The most important thing in our world today is about to be extinct if we do not protect it. This I am referring to is the family. Our nation, churches and society will only be as strong as the families that makes them up. With God’s help there is hope.

A Family Affair

Genesis 1:26-31

Vs.28 And God blesses them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…

Mention: Genesis 12:3 In thee all the families of the earth shall be bless

Also: Malachi 2:15 That He might seek a godly seed

A society of people will never be more fruitful than the families it is comprised of!

Our families are in crisis today:

• 1/3 of all kids today are of a single parent home in which 80% of them are moms.

• 23% of the crimes committed today are by children 12-17 years of age

• Over 43% of the inmates have less than a high school diploma

• Most inmates are from broken homes with 25% of them having been abused

1. The Factors of a Family

God design the family to consist of a man, woman and children. Each of them has specific roles from God in the family.

a. Man / Head

See: Genesis 3:16 He shall rule over thee

Mention: 1 Cor. 11:3 The head of the woman is the man

Point: Notice there Paul says the head of Christ is God. Though they are equal the two Persons have their role in the trinity. The same applies to the family with husband and wife.

He is to be the spiritual, physical and emotional leader of his household!

b. Woman / Help

See: Genesis 2:18

Mention: Prov. 31:12 She is do him good and not evil all the days of her life

Mention: Genesis 3:16 Her desire can be to rule over him…

c. Children / Honor

Eph. 6:1 In obedience

Mention: 1 Tim. 5:4 Show piety (respect) at home and to requite (repay) your parents

2. The Faith of the Family

See: Exodus 20:5-6 Teaching our children to worship God

See: Psalms 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it.

Mention: Matt. 7:24-27 Every house will have its storms, but that which is built upon a solid foundation will endure

a. Who do my children give credit for building our home? I hope God

b. I realize that my perspective of God will also be my children

Key Point: The church and other spiritual entities are just aids to what we as parents are responsible for.

The Parents are to “Instruct & Discipline” their children!

Point: In the book of Proverbs more is said about instructing than discipline and I believe we should instruct prior to having to discipline as God does us.

Eph. 6:4 Bring them up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord

Key point: Every family should understand the importance of Fitness and Fun!

Mention: 1 Tim. 4:8 bodily exercise profited little

Also: Prov. 17:21 A merry heart doeth good like medicine (family trips, baseball games etc.,)

3. The Future of the Family

a. It hinges upon our relationship with the LORD

Mention: Hebrews 3:4 For every house is builded by some man; but He that built all things is God.

b. Man’s obedience to God

See: Prov. 20:6-7 His children shall be blessed after him

One day the just shall inherit the earth!

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Steve Gallimore

commented on Jul 23, 2020

Great sermon! Great content and the outcome of saving the family is well established through biblical worldview and God's created order. Thanks for sharing!

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