
Summary: To accept the salvation of the cross, you must also accept that blood that flowed on the cross. All to often today, churches are preaching the cross, but forgetting about what God’s son had to endure on the cross for them.

85% of all Americans believe that Christ was crucified, resurrected, and living in Heaven.

-Less then 1/2 of the 85% say they have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Why would they believe, but not want to receive

- The church of today is one reason (A Big Reason)

- We have watered down Jesus and His gospel

- We ahve replaced preaching with lecturers and talks

- We have replaced the Bible with personal opinion and slide shows

A Bloodless cross and gospel, is no cross and gospel at all.

(Exodus 12:1-8)

The Old Testament is a picture of what is to come in the New Testament. That way we will know what to look for.

God chose a lamb at passover to save the lives of his people in Egypt.

- The OT passover lamb, became the NT Jesus Christ.

- John the Baptist, when he saw Jesus for the first time, proclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God’ which has come to save our souls"

The lamb in the OT needed to be without blemish (v. 5)

- Pilate found no fault in Jesus

The lamb must be separated from the goats and sheep (v. 5-6)

- Jesus separated himself from the disciples in the Garden of Gesemene

The lamb was to be sacrified at twilight (v. 6)

- Christ was crucified and the world turned dark

The lambs blood was to be spread over the door post to protect them from the angel of death (v. 7)

- Jesus blood once spread over the accepting sinner is protected eternal hell.

The lambs flesh was to be consumed (v. 8)

- Jesus is to be taken inside of us once we are saved.

If we claim to follow Christ, yet do not believe in the blood, we are only leading ourselves astray.

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