
Summary: This is a short summary of numerous apologetical reasons to trust the Bible and Jesus Christ - it is a summary of numerous other resources and a short but hard hitting perspective on taking a confident step of faith (some of the notes are similar to the "

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Why Believe in Jesus

Thanks so much for having us!!!

I’m so excited about all God is doing here, I am praying for you guys! Keep up the fight.

Get ready for a lot of info in a short period of time.

BIG NOTE: I’ll be using a ton of info from a ton of people today. Those people include Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, Ravi Zacharius, Winkie Pratney and many more.

Jer.29:13 - “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

What are life’s biggest questions and what are their answers?

There are 5 BIG questions:

The first question is the biggest: where did I and everything else come from? (Origin)

The next 4 depend on the answer to 1: Who am I (Identity), why am I alive (Purpose), how can I know right from wrong (Morality) and what will happen after I die (Destiny).

So where did you and everything else come from?

2 possibilities:

Either everything came from NOTHING

Or everything came from a CREATOR.

First, let’s talk about where you came from because that leads into where everything else came from.

You’ve been told you and the countless millions of species on this planet are here as a product of chance and time, the result of evolution.

Not a science,

If evolution is a valid answer to this question 5 things must be true:

The fossil record must corroberate it.

There must be a valid mechanism. - Natural Selection

There must be an explanation for the existence of life. (1 in 10112,827)

There must be an explanation for the existence of information.

Those 4 questions lead us to the question of where everything else came from.

There must be an explanation for the existence of matter.

Science can’t answer that question.

1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics taken out to infinity.

If God is the answer for why you and everything else are here how can you know who God is.

That is the foundation for the other BIG life questions: Who am I (Identity), why am I alive (Purpose), how can I know right from wrong (Morality) and what will happen after I die (Destiny).

I believe that there is only one valid answer to that question - The Bible and Jesus.

Reasons to believe in the Bible. It is logically consistent and corresponds with reality:

The Bible is scientifically accurate – it describes:

2,000 - Radioactive decay, in 2Peter 3:10.

Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896 (1900 yrs after the Bible).

4,000 - Hydrologic cycles, in Ps.135:7, Ec.1:7and Job 36:27-29.

3,500 - Atmospheric jet streams, in Ecc. 1:6.

4,000 - Clouds and condensation, in Job 26:8, 37:11.

3000- Earth’s spherical shape, Is. 40:22.

4,000 - The expansion of the universe, in Job 26:7.

Edwin Hubble discovered this in 1929 (4,000 yrs after the Bible).

Based on Einstein’s General Relativity.

4,000 - Earth’s foundation – hung on nothing, Job 26:7.

Copernicus published this in 1543 (3,500 yrs after the Bible).

4,000 - That air has weight, Job 28:25.

Antoine Lavoisier 1778 (3,800 yrs after the Bible).

4,000 - Hydrothermic vents (freshwater springs in ocean), Gen. 7:11 & Job. 38:16.

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution discovered these in 1977 (4000 yrs after the Bible).

3500 - That like begets like – a biological law, Gen. 1:11-12, 21, 25.

3000 - The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy) - Ps.102:26, Is.51:6.

2000 - That one event could be seen across the world – an impossibility then – now possible through TV, Mt. 24:30 and Rev. 11:9-11.

Charles Jenkins invented the first TV in 1923 (1900 yrs after the Bible).

Bible is prophetically accurate (here are a few out of thousands of examples):

Jesus alone fulfilled over 300 (odds of just 8 = 1in 1017).

Jesus’ crucifixion prophesied 1000 years before crucifixion invented, in Ps.22:16.

Alexander the Great, prophesied in great detail: Great warrior from the West, early death, empire split, recombined into the Tolomaic and the Selucid, in Daniel 8:5-12.

Rebuilding of Jerusalem and temple by Cyrus prophesied 100 years before Cyrus’ birth and 100 years before Nebuchadnezar destroyed Jerusalem, in Is.44:28.

Tyre’s destruction prophesied in great detail: destroyed, made bare as a rock, a place where fisherman dry their nets, rubble throne into the sea and never rebuilt, in Ez.26.

The Bible is historically accurate: real people, places and events corroborated by archeology (here are just a couple of examples).

Hitites – critics condemned the Bible’s description of this group; archeological digs have since proven their existence.

Caesar Agustus’ census at the time of Christ’s birth (Luke 2:1).

The Bible is full of mathematical and prophetic codes. Mathematical codes (prime number multiples in words, sentences, passages and books).

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