
Summary: This is the 166th sermon in the series Action". This is the 3rd sermon from Ephesians.

Series: Action [#166]


Ephesians 1:13-14


As I have discussed over the last couple of weeks, Ephesians tells us how spiritually rich we are in Christ. I have talked about the fact that many young people do not know what a checkbook is; but any young people that are renting something know what a deposit is. If you rent a house or apartment, you pay a deposit. A deposit is defined as, “A sum payable as a first installment on the purchase of something or as a pledge for a contract, the balance being payable later”.

We have looked at our blessings in the Father; our benefits in the Son; and now we look at our belongings in the Holy Spirit. The Church was planned by the Father; purchased by the Son; and now preserved by the Holy Spirit. Before the foundation of the World, God the Father planned to save you; God the Son died for you; and God the Holy Spirit works in your life.

Ephesians 1:13a

The Holy Spirit…

1. Saves.

Often times when we think about salvation, we think about Jesus’ price on the cross and we think about God the Father’s plan of saving the world; but we seem to forget about God the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit…

* Convicts.

It is through the Holy Spirit that each person is convicted of their sinfulness. I cannot tell you how many times a person will be convicted of their sinfulness by the Holy Spirit- That is up to God. What I can tell you is, a person that dies without accepting Christ as Savior will spend eternity in Hell.

The Holy Spirit…

* Carries on Jesus’ work.

When a person is saved, the Holy Spirit enters into their life. That is why your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Once Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sat at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus had fulfilled His purpose on the Earth. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that the work of Jesus continues. We are to allow the Holy Spirit of God to work in our lives and fulfill the purposes of God.

Ephesians 1:13b

The Holy Spirit…

2. Seals.

Not only is a new Christian indwelt by the Holy Spirit; but is also sealed by the Holy Spirit.

The seal of the Holy Spirit…

* Signifies a finished transaction.

Even in today’s time, most legal documents require a seal. During Paul’s time, once something had an Official’s seal on it, it was done. Once a transaction was complete, a waxed seal would be pressed into the document. Once a person is saved, that means that Jesus has purchased that person in full. You are completely paid for by the blood of Jesus.

The seal of the Holy Spirit…

* Determines authenticity.

Think of this like writing a check. (Again, I do understand that most young people don’t even know how to write a check.) Every Sunday when I write our tithe check and put it in the plate facedown; I make sure that I signed it. When I sign the check, I’m saying that I authorize that amount of money to be taken out of our Checking Account. The Holy Spirit’s seal on the Christian’s life says, “That person belongs to me 100%”.

When the Pharisees were saying that Jesus was controlled by the devil, He told them that He couldn’t work for and against the devil. When the Holy Spirit of God is in your life, no evil spirit can come into your life. What I am saying is, “A Christian cannot be demon possessed because they are possessed by the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:14

The Holy Spirit…

3. Secures.

This Scripture is where the theology of the Security of the Believer comes from. In Baptist’s terms- “Once saved always saved”.

The guarantee of the Holy Spirit…

* Is a down payment.

When you are saved, the Holy Spirit places a deposit on your inheritance. I know you are thinking, “I thought God has paid for my salvation in full”, and He has; but this deposit is a guarantee of your eternal life in Heaven once your salvation is complete. Your salvation isn’t complete until you leave this body and enter into Heaven.

The guarantee of the Holy Spirit…

* Is an engagement ring.

The Greek word for guarantee is the same word for an engagement ring. An engagement ring is a symbol of the fact that a woman is preparing to marry someone. She is not available to date other people. Christians, do not forget that the Church, (all Christians) is the Bride of Christ.


As a child of God, you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. You are told to be filled with the Holy Spirit. There is a spiritual battle going on between your flesh and the Holy Spirit within you all of the time. Who are you going to let win?

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