
Summary: Learn how to never be satisfied with less than God’s best for your life!

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I. A Transfer of Power!

A. As of late, we have seen a tremendous example of a transfer of power within our nation’s Capitol.

B. As one President leaves the oval office, another steps in.

C. Our text this morning speaks of another type of transition. This is very much a different type of transfer of power than that of the White House.

D. Text: I Kings 19:11-16, 19-21

E. God found Elijah, the mighty prophet of God, hiding in a cave to escape the tyranny of the evil Jezebel.

F. And, God asked him why he was hiding. And, with once he gave his explanation, God called him out of the cave to experience something quite dramatic.

G. Verse 11 states that God passed by Elijah while on the mountain and a great and mighty wind tore into the mountains and broke them into small pieces. But God was not in the wind. Then, a mighty earthquake shook the foundations of the earth; yet God was not in the earthquake. Then, finally, a terrible fire swept the land, but, once again, God was not in the fire.

H. What was it that God was showing Elijah?

I. The principle message of this lesson was that God is not necessarily in everything that has been claimed to be God! And, that God can and will do even mightier things that we can and have imagined!

J. God told Elijah to then go and anoint two men to be kings, and then he was to find Elisha and anoint him as his replacement.

K. When Elijah found Elisha, he placed his mantel on him – thus the transfer of power!

L. The word ‘mantle’ means, garment, but it also means ‘glory.’ In fact, the original Hebrew word, addereth, being translated, means ‘glory cloak!’ In other words, Elijah’s mantel represented his God-given anointing!

M. By placing his mantle on Elisha, he was transferring his prophetic anointing and calling upon him.

II. Visitation or Habitation?

A. Elijah didn’t bother to explain to his new protégé what he had just received when he placed his mantle on him. There was no need for explanation.

B. Elisha was destined to be transformed to a new spiritual level. As are you and I!

C. When that mantle came upon him, it caused him to no longer be concerned with his current situation. This mantle gave him a deep longing within that superseded what he was doing at the time.

D. Verse 21 says, “Then he (being Elisha) arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant.”

E. He stopped what he was doing in order to fulfill the new commission and calling that was now upon his life! He left the 12 oxen to serve at Elijah’s feet.

F. This is what God is trying to tell us today! That we have been asking for and thanking Him over and over for His great and mighty ‘touch’ while He doesn’t just want to ‘touch’ us, He want to ‘transform’ us! He doesn’t just want His hand on us…He wants His glory on us!!! His very presence!

G. God is not satisfied with our mere gratification of His ‘tickle-me-Elmo’ kind of touch! And, neither should we be satisfied!

H. God wants more than just a Sunday morning visitation with us! He wants habitation with us!

I. He wants to walk with us and make Himself known to us everyday! He wants you to walk in His glory cloud every second of your life! Not just Sunday mornings!!!!!

J. When we say to Him, “God thank you for your touch.” He says back to us, “Children, you have a bad case of mistaken identity!” It’s not my touch…it’s my presence!!!!

K. Whenever God speaks and moves it’s never for temporary purposes! Everything He does holds eternal value! Including the times He spends with us!

L. His purpose for showing up during a service isn’t just for a mere touch – to scratch our itch – rather He comes with an assignment. One that is to change our lives!

III. Six Inches, Or Something Deeper?

A. If you were to do further study on this passage, you would discover that the plow that Elisha was using had an instrument on it that would only plow 6 inches into the soil.

B. Even though he had a huge field to plow, with 12 mighty and powerful oxen to pull it, he only had a commission to dig a mere 6 inches into the soil.

C. However, when Elijah came and placed his mantle, his anointing, upon Elisha, God was saying to him, “Elisha, I now have something so much better for you. I want to take you so much deeper than just 6 inches. I want to take you deeper than you’ve ever been before!”

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