
Summary: We are living in a time when truth is being distorted, morality is under attack, and the very foundations of righteousness are being challenged. We are not called to sit on the sidelines. We are called to stand in the gap, to be the salt and light in a dark world, and to fight for righteousness.

A Call to Stand: Voting for Righteousness and Defending Truth

Key Texts: Proverbs 14:34, Isaiah 1:17, Psalm 82:3-4, Matthew 5:13-16


We are living in a time when truth is being distorted, morality is under attack, and the very foundations of righteousness are being challenged. But church, let me remind you today: we are not called to sit on the sidelines. We are called to stand in the gap, to be the salt and light in a dark world, and to fight for righteousness.

The battle we are facing is not just political—it is spiritual. And God is looking for men and women who will rise up, speak truth, and refuse to let the enemy take more ground. We must vote, we must stand, and we must act. Because when the righteous remain silent, evil prevails.

1. Righteousness Exalts a Nation, but Sin is a Disgrace

Proverbs 14:34 – “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

God has made it clear: nations that uphold righteousness will be blessed, but those that embrace sin will face judgment. The moral decay we see in our culture today is not just the result of bad policies—it is the result of a people who have turned away from God.

• We have watched as life has been devalued, with abortion laws expanding beyond reason.

• We have watched as God’s design for marriage and family has been redefined.

• We have watched as justice has been perverted, where criminals are protected, and the innocent are left vulnerable.

And yet, too many Christians have remained silent, believing that faith and politics should not mix. But church, let me remind you: when God’s people disengage, the enemy takes control.

In the Old Testament, Israel would fall into judgment every time they abandoned God’s ways. Their leaders turned to idolatry, they oppressed the innocent, and they ignored the warnings of the prophets. But every time they repented and realigned with God’s truth, He restored their nation. America is at a similar crossroads today.

2. Stand for the Innocent and Defend the Helpless

Psalm 82:3-4 – “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

If there is one issue that demands our boldness, it is the defense of the unborn. The shedding of innocent blood is an abomination to God (Proverbs 6:16-17), and yet, millions of lives have been lost under the banner of “choice.”

The Bible commands us to rescue those being led away to death (Proverbs 24:11-12). When we vote, we are not just choosing candidates—we are choosing whether we will protect life or allow death to continue unchecked.

Wisconsin, like much of America, is at a defining moment. Will we be a state that defends the weak, or will we allow radical agendas to dictate our laws? Will we let a small, vocal minority silence the convictions of the majority, or will we rise up and take our stand?

3. The Danger of Silence: When Good People Do Nothing

Isaiah 1:17 – “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

One of the greatest tragedies in the church today is complacency. Too many believers are comfortable within their four walls, content to pray but unwilling to act.

But faith without works is dead! (James 2:17)

But silence in the face of evil is itself evil! (Ezekiel 33:6)

Let me ask you today:

• If we refuse to speak out, who will?

• If we do not stand for justice, who will?

• If we allow wickedness to rule because we were too afraid to take a stand, how will we answer God?

Matthew 5:13-16 calls us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Salt preserves, and light exposes darkness. But if the salt loses its saltiness, it is useless. If the church loses its voice, the world will be lost to deception.

4. Faith in Action: Voting as a Spiritual Responsibility

Too many believers separate their faith from their politics, but let me be clear: voting is a spiritual responsibility.

Romans 13:1-4 tells us that governing authorities are appointed by God. But how do godly leaders get into office? When God’s people vote according to His Word!

If we fail to elect leaders who uphold righteousness, we cannot be surprised when unrighteousness prevails. We cannot complain about the direction of our state if we were too lazy, too distracted, or too afraid to vote.

We must:

Vote for life – Stand against abortion and protect the innocent.

Vote for justice – Support policies that defend biblical morality.

Vote for freedom – Ensure religious liberty is not stripped away.

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