
Summary: This is a message that looks at what it means to be born again in a little different way.

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What does it mean to be born again? As I thought about this, I tried to think of something, an analogy that would help us see how understanding what it means to be born again is crucial to how we are supposed to live as sons and daughters of God. But I couldn’t think of an analogy that would be even close to appropriate. I couldn’t think of an analogy that wouldn’t in some way diminish the powerful truth about being born again.

Before Jesus puts the words “born” and “again” together in John 3, the term “born again” had not been used anywhere in the Bible. Jesus is the first person to take these two distinct words and make them one. In fact, the term “born again” is only used three times, in John 3:3 and 7 and in I Peter 1:23 and we’ll look at these verses in a few minutes.

Now before getting into the message, I want you to know that it will be impossible to talk about what it means to be born again in one message. So, this morning’s message will focus on two or three key points about what it means to be born again.

The number one thing I want you to take away from the message is this: when you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth Jesus as your Lord and Savior, God sees you as different from the person who has not done this. God treats you differently.

And, I don’t want you to miss this: the devil also sees you differently. When a person is not born again, the devil can influence that person’s life in a way that he cannot influence the person who is born again. He knows that, for all practical purposes, there is no difference between you and the Jesus that we see in the four gospels. Let that sink in.

Spiritually, what’s operating on the inside of us is no different than what was operating on the inside of Jesus in the four gospels.

So, what does it mean to be born again? Now many people, will ask the question this way: what does it mean to be a Born Again Christian? From what I know about scripture, there seems to be some confusion in the Church about this. Can a person be a Christian and not be born again? I looked up the definitions for “Christian,” “born again” and “born again Christian” in Webster’s dictionary. I think you’ll find them interesting.

? Webster says a Christian is “one who professes a belief in the teachings of Jesus.” The word “professes” caught my attention so I looked it up. And it means “to declare or admit openly or freely.” So Webster says a Christian is a person who declares or admits openly or freely that he or she believes in the teachings of Jesus.

But ladies and gentlemen, there are far too people who say they are Christians but are not willing to declare or admit openly and freely that they believe everything Jesus taught in the gospels and everything the Bible teaches. How can a person be a Christian and not say “Yes” to everything Jesus taught in the gospels and not say “I believe everything that’s written in the Bible?”

If the Bible says something is wrong, then the Christian is going to say that same thing is wrong. Are you with me? Webster says a Christian believe in the teachings of Jesus and whatever Jesus says is true. I can’t speak for anyone else in this room, but Barry, so “that be Barry!”

? The definition for “born again” is “of, relating to, or being usually a Christian person who has made a renewed or confirmed commitment of faith, especially after an intense religious experience.”

According to Webster, “born again” is usually related to a Christian person. Usually. In other words, “born again” is not a term that describes all Christians. And it’s not a term that’s limited to Christians. And you’ll understand why when you hear the definition of “born again Christian.”

? Now, let’s see what Webster says about “born-again Christian.” A “born again Christian” is a person who has “returned to or newly adopted an activity, a conviction, or a persona, especially with a proselytizing zeal.”

A “born again Christian,” according to Webster, is a person who has made a decision to follow a particular belief system and who want others to also be a part of that belief system.

Let me say it another way: the dictionary says a “born again Christian” has made a decision to be “born again” based on what he or she believes.

Do hear what I’m saying? The person made a decision that “I am born again based on what I believe.”

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