
Summary: I know we want to haqve a life blessed by God. This sermon gives us the secrets found in Psalm 1.



A. Year 2005 is about to end. Days are so fleeting. Thank God for all the blessings, experiences, challenges, and opportunities that we have gone through this year.

B. I just want this morning to give you an exhortation, final exhortation for this year, from the book of Psalm 1.

C. I know all of us want to have a life that is blessed by God. We want of course that 2006 will be a prosperous, happy, or a blessed year to us.

D. God has that desire for you too. He wants to bless your life. God is excited to show His mercy and generosity. It’s His nature to give and bless lives.

E. We find in this passage the promise of God for a blessed life. In fact it starts with the word “blessed”. However this blessedness will come as a reward when His divine condition is met.



a) We are not to follow the principles of the ungodly.

-The “ungodly” are those who deny the existence of God and those who disregard the revelations of the Bible and preferred human reasoning and philosophies instead.

-examples of ungodly principle:

1) “You ought to get what you want.”

2) “You are your own. Live your life as you wish.”

-anything that is of pride, greed, envy is ungodliness. We are not to follow any principle that is motivated by such things.

b) We are not to live like the sinners do.

-“path” speaks of the way of life or lifestyle. Sinners are those who lived opposite to the revealed divine will of God. Their lifestyle or their way of living is motivated with lust and self-indulgence.

c) We are not to get company with those who mock God.

-“mockers” are those who overtly profane the holy name of God. They use the name of God in vain. They utter blasphemous words. They live in overt rebellion to God.

d) We are to delight in the Word of God.

-this speaks of our heart. We need to have a heart for God’s Word, a heart that keeps His Word, a heart that cherishes the principles of His divine and living word.

e) We are to meditate the Word of God.

-this speaks of our mind. Meditation is focused thinking. It is to try to understand the Mind of God of a given revelation.

-we have here an admonition to fill our mind and heart with God’s Word, AND OF COURSE, to apply its divine principles in everyday living. This is important because “what a man thinks so is he.” Actually, how we live is determined with what fills our mind and heart.


a) Illustration no.1: A Tree planted by the streams of water. What are the characteristics of this tree?

Ø Its leaf does not wither- what does it mean? Stability and strength. Do we need strength to live? Yes we do. The secret of its strength is in the water. The water signifies the word of God. The promise of God to those who trust in His Word is: “God does not suffer His people to be moved”. Therefore, God is our strength.

Ø It brings forth its fruit- this means “productivity, and joy.” The joy of a tree is in its fruit. The Word of God brings joy. It gives you true and lasting joy. Then it increases your productivity. It will increase your wisdom and ability. It will increase the usefulness of your life for God’s glory.

Ø The Psalmist concludes: Whatever he does shall prosper. It speaks of the promise of God to prosper the plans and works of His righteous people.

b) Illustration no.2: The plight of the righteous compared to the unrighteous.

Ø The unrighteous are like chaff blown away by the wind. All his achievements, successes, fame and honor, are nothing but chaff. They’re meaningless when judgment comes. Everything he is proud of will banish.

Ø While the righteous is very secure in the hand of God. God even watches his ways. His security comes from the Almighty. Isn’t that true blessedness?


God’s nature is to bless. He wants to bless your life. Do you want to have a life blessed by God? The secret is: “Follow the way of God”. Come to Him through His Son. Yield your life to Him.

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