
Summary: How's your warfare going?

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We often do not think about spiritual warfare and hence that explains why we do so poorly when we are engaged by the enemy. Doing battle with demons is something belonging to the past or what goes on in dark parts of Africa or among nations where voodoo priests cause fear in the ignorant. Yet, nothing in Scripture indicates that all the demons were locked up at some point in time or banished to only third world countries. Indeed, from the character of their leader it would seem that being worshiped or listened to by those who profess to be wise would be a more desirable ego trip though laughing at the ignorant is great fun. Like it, believe it, or not, we are in a war zone and we can learn how to do battle or get beat up by the enemy who takes prisoners of the unsaved and torments the saved who think salvation is one great prosperous joy ride to Glory.

Most preachers have a three point sermon with each point starting with the same letter or word. I am a tad different as I have four, but sometimes God likes to challenge our norms. We all know satan is a liar and a manipulator and has been since the conversation in the Garden with Adam and Eve. He twisted the truth and got them to agree with him and his lie instead of keeping their faith in God and agreeing with His truth. Thus we have the madhouse called earth being run by the inmates instead of the Great Physician.

So our first response to the lies of satan should be to put forth our shield of faith from Ephesians 6 and agree with the truth, not the lies. To do this, we must first “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Tim 2:15 KJV If you do not know the truth, it will be impossible to agree with it. This means we need to seek sound doctrine. I know that doctrine has almost become anathema and a pariah, but it is essential in God's eyes. This will take time to learn and more than what you will get from just reading quotes from Spurgeon or the bite size tidbits in the fifteen minute devotionals.

You must come to the faith that the Bible is God's Word and the only authority for your life and the only reliable source of truth for your soul and life. Good men make mistakes and while all truth is God's truth that truth is often twisted or tweaked for some man's or group's agenda. You must be a Berean and always search to see if what you hear, even if someone is using Scripture, is God's truth or man's doctrine. That includes this sermon as well. If you see I am error, do not leave me in my ignorance, but bring Scripture and not your feelings, desires or quotes from Granny Saint or Dr. Goodwords from some media broadcast.

Once you agree with God and that His Word is truth and you know sound doctrine then you can answer with the truth. When the devil's emissaries hit you with their best shot you reply with the truth that relates to the lie they are trying to feed you. If they start that “Yea, hath God said?” stuff you can remind them that you know what doubting God's Word has cost mankind over the centuries and that you are not going to fall for that. You answer with a passage like “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” John 17:17 KJV

He will go for your weaknesses or where you have been hurt by man. Find passages that speak the truth about who you are in Christ if you have been browbeaten from childhood that you are useless and unlovable. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” 1 Peter 2:9 KJV Get a concordance and look up the truth about Him and your position in Him. If you have a specific area of weakness when it comes to sin find verses that speak to that sin and meditate upon why that thing is sin.

As soon you answer with the truth then proceed to attack with the truth. The more verses you know about a particular area the more ammunition you have and you can just unleash them like a machine gun. When you are done with that then start using verses that speak to the defeat of satan and especially verses dealing with the blood of Christ and the resurrection. The old saying about reminding the devil of his future when he throws up your past can come to play here. You can turn the attack into a praise session as you let the devil know that you are fully aware of your sin and how Christ has wiped the record clean and as a forgiven child of God you will spend eternity with Him whereas the demon attacking you is a dead man walking with no hope of reprieve or pardon and will spend eternity in Hell with his master.

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