
Summary: I would say that most everyone knew where they were on that day in history but, where was God? Why would a good and loving God allow such a tragedy to happen?

911 Where were you?

The date was September 11, 2001. Where were you when you heard the tragic news 10 years ago and the day that changed America forever?

I remember that day well. I was working at RJR and a co worker came over to my desk and said a plane had crashed into a building in New York city. I thought, man that is horrifying. In a few more minutes the same guy came back and said that 2 planes had crashed into World Headquarters buildings and another had crashed in Pennsylvania and thought to be terrorist. I also remember the sick feeling I had and began to pray silently.

I would say that most everyone knew where they were on that day in history but, where was God? Why would a good and loving God allow such a tragedy to happen? I don't know the answer for sure and no one else does except God.

One answer is found in Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

It is impossible for a human being to understand the ways of an infinite God. Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! 34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? 35 Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? 36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

I believe here in Romans chapter 11 Apostle Paul is coming to a time in his life when all the glory and depth of the know-ledge of God greatly surpasses any seen shallow understanding that man has. It's pure praise and glory he gives our Lord.

God looks at things from an eternal perspective. We look at things from an earthly perspective.

Why did God put man on earth, knowing that Adam and Eve would sin and bring evil, death, and suffering on all mankind? Why didn’t He just create us all and leave us in Heaven where we would be perfect and without suffering.

Just because we don't understand why God is dealing with America, sometimes with ourselves and others it's not because there is not a good and sufficient reason. The problem is with our ability to comprehend the wisdom and ways of God.

We must come to a time in our life that we may not understand the things that happen to us, but we must believe that it is for our good that God allows them. We are like little children, and we cannot understand God’s ways.

I remember when I was growing up as a small boy I had problems with my tonsils. During the winter months I would get tonsillitis and that would turn into strep throat. Mom and Dad would take me to Dr. Newsom in Pilot Mountain. He would always give me a shot of penicillin in my rear every time and I got terrified of just the thoughts of going each time my throat would get sore. It was for my own good, Mom and Dad didn't take me to watch me suffer, it was to make me better and stronger. God never enjoys watching us suffer. He does things to turn us to Him for healing. It was after Brenda and I were married a few years before I got my tonsils taken out.

As time went by my throat didn't get sore and I grew and didn't think much about a sore throat anymore but, I would al-ways think about how Mom and Dad would only do the best thing for me in my childhood.

Folks, sometimes things has to be dealt with in our life so we may grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Just as my tonsils had to be dealt with by having them removed, God deals with countries and individuals removes things that hinders our fellowship with Him.

It was because Mom and Dad love me that they would take me to the doctor for shots. It's because God loves us that He sent His only begotten Son, that who so ever would believe on Him would have everlasting life.

May God bless those that lost love ones on 9/11. And may God bless America again.

Love in Christ Jesus, Ronnie Miller

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