
Summary: There are three simple steps for victory, namely, follow God, Sanctify yourselves and Draw near to God. If you do you will be successful.

Joshua 3:1-9 Walk through the impossibilities

Introduction: The Charles Blondin made a history and walked through the impossibilities for others though crossing the Niagara Falls on the tight rope on Aug 1859 with his manager Harry Colcord.

Joshua, the 6th book of OT is full of practicalities. Very challenging life. The present struggles are entirely different from the Egyptian and Wilderness experiences. Now they need new strength to fight and to eradicate the enemies. How to achieve it? Joshua laid three simple principles to them. How to walk through the impossibilities.

Follow (v.1-4):

Follow the ark of the covenant. Get up early (v.1), see the Ark. (v.2) and follow it (v.3).

v.4. Why you need to follow because none of us have crossed already this world. Do you know what would happen to you? Today-tomorrow- next month- next year.

None of our scientific knowledge, our earned degrees, our hard-earned riches, our close friends and our blood relatives, our authorities can help us to cross the life struggles completely.

Because none of them have crossed the way you are walking through. Your struggles, your problems, your expectations are entirely different from others. Even for a man who is 100 years old. For him to the world and its daily events are new. Nothing is predictable and nothing is preventable.

Only God knows your way and the end results. The ways of the man always look good but end is death (Pr.14:12). He leads in the difficult times (Dt.8:2). Like mother bird he teaches us to fly (Dt.32:11). He led the people like a shepherd (Ps.77:20). No ways are hidden to him (Ps.27:11). God knows the ways of the serpent, ways of the ship on the sea. He is omniscient.

Sanctify (v.5-6)

The examples of the Astronauts have long preparation to venture into other planets. eating habits, drinking habits, only word they knew in Life was Fit and un fit. That is their life and death. They can’t escape from the sever exercises and rigorous training.

Consecrate yourselves, sanctify yourselves, purify yourselves in words, deeds and actions. You enjoy the lies when you know the Truth. Equipping to the fitness. Sanctification is a process. Character building, seeking the presence of the LORD and stay connected to the LORD.

Personal purification from all uncleanliness (2 Tim. 2:21). Only God can cleanse by his blood (1 Jn. 1:9). Paul says that I am punishing my body (Read: 1 Cor.9:24-27). God’s call to us is to renounce sins (Da.4:27), let your holiness surpass others (Mt.5:20) surpassing in Love, forgiveness, acceptance, surpassing in the fruits of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). Pursue the righteousness, godliness, faith, love endurance and gentleness (1 Tim.6:11).

The uncleaned people lost their race…Samson, Judas, Moses and Aaron. Sanctification is not an optional for Christian, every believer, every disciple is expected to be holy.

Draw near (v.7-9).

Come closer to the Lord. Sit at the feet of Jesus like the Mary (Lk.10:39,42). What does it mean to be nearer? James. 4:8 draw near to God…

Jesus said to John and Andrew come and stay with Jesus (Jn.1:39). Hoshea 6:1 “Come let us return to the LORD”. Come to reason with Lord (Is.1:18). Come to Drink (Is.55:1). Come to rest (Mt.11:28). Come for wedding banquet (Mt.22:4).

Encounter with God. God said “listen to me”. Wait upon. Spend time with the LORD. Three steps to a successful Life are: “Fear God, near God and hear God”.

Flight story: An Air hostess run to a small girl and asked her to put on the seat belt. The girl was not worried about the turbulent weather, she was enjoying the flight while others were worried and had fear. Hostess asked her don't you have fear? She replied why should I worry because the pilot of this plan is my dad.

Worry not when you are in Christ.

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