The Sentencing Of Jesus Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: With the crowd in a frenzy, and Pilate fearing for himself because he knows what he faces, he relents to a decision that he knows he will regret – “crucify him". This decision sets in motion the greatest redemption that every happened to and for mankind.
Sentencing of Jesus
John 19:1-16
This message can sometimes invoke different responses in many
For some, it is sadness, others anger, and even some may feel justified (read)
∆ Roman Punishment
Roman punishment always began with humiliation
Flogging, crown of thorns, and mockery were meant to enforce power
They are hallmarks of cruelty – the deepest most sinful part of mankind
Pilate had one intention: beat Jesus and release him
His view: If I can send a msg, this rebellion will be over and done with
IMP: the beating He rcvd would’ve weakened him almost to point of death
This is why he is unable to carry his cross; physically tormented/worn out
After the beating, it would be tradition to present the prisoner
While the flogging would’ve been public, not everyone would be able to see
Therefore, Pilate presents Jesus to further humiliate him
But notice (v4) he finds no legal reason to hold him or execute him
His thought is that with a beaten and bloody man before them, it would end
They would see that Jesus has suffered, and could be released
Their vision of Him though, has fed a thirst for blood – they want more
In mob fashion – they shout “crucify” (v6) – why? They want Him dead
Pilate however, does not want to kill Jesus; this is interesting for us…
He finds no cause, and knowing the Jews cannot kill Him wishes to release
But, the leaders finally settle on a charge they can use: blasphemy
John has already recorded that this would be their charge: Read John 10:34-38
Crime: Leviticus 24:16, “… anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD is to be put to death. The entire assembly must stone them. Whether foreigner or native-born, when they blaspheme the Name they are to be put to death.”
∆ Pilate has a Problem
Pilate is actually horrified at this suggestion (he was afraid, v8)
He returns to discuss with Jesus these charges and perhaps get Him to talk
Pilate’s fear is found in several REAL aspects:
Mob mentality outside the palace could revolt on Him
Caesar getting word that he cannot handle his position
This is a real problem for him, and even one the Jews knew as well
The Gospels mention that Jesus remains silent through all the interrogations
He is not drawn into a debate with His accusers for any reason
But here, He answers Pilate once and for all (read v11)
Re: authority is God’s: Romans 13:1, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
Compounding this response, the crowd is still screaming for blood
And then the Jewish leaders level the final threat against Pilate and his position
V12: “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.”
This decision he is about to make is SOLELY a political one
APP: To be against the King would mean the end of everything he holds dear
He fears for his position, for his wants, and for his own neck in this area
So, he brings Jesus out to pronounce judgment on Him (re: Romans 13:1 above)
∆ Big Idea
With the crowd in a frenzy, Pilate fearing for himself, knows what he faces
Re: Tiberias is the reigning emperor (viscous man) and would happily taken Pilate out
Therefore, he relents to a decision that he knows he will regret – “crucify him”
This decision sets in motion the greatest redemption that every happened
Pick up on Sunday …