
Summary: It is only the Spirit of God that can help us build these four pillars and sustain them for a rich and special spiritual life.

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May the peace of the Lord be with you.


Acts 2:42-44 King James Version (KJV)

42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.

44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

Beloved, there are four areas of our spiritual life or walk with God that we don't have to joke with or take for granted. They are that which we need to guard and never let go.

These areas are your:

1. Doctrines or Teachings

2. Fellowship with God

3. Breaking of Bread

4. Prayers


Firstly Beloved, you should never forget or deviate from the *teachings of the Gospel* you receive from the one who feeds you, Precious Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is our teacher and He teaches us directly as we study the Word of God and also through those who feed us with the Word.

The teachings you receive make up your foundation. The very rock on which your life is built. The teachings you receive is the understanding of Jesus you receive to empower you and enable you follow Jesus and be like Him.

The only Person who can teach us and also help us to practise what we study and cause us to flow in the ways of Jesus is Precious Holy Spirit. Don't neglect Him in this area or you will miss it.

Secondly, our *fellowship with God* is very very very important. The kind of understanding of Jesus we have, which is the teachings we have knowledge of, determines the kind of fellowship we have or will have with God.

Our fellowship with Him is about the kind of association we have with Him as a friend and as our Father. The kind of association where there is a common interest and because of that we flow into each other.

Without the right teachings you would not have the right association with Him. Precious Holy Spirit is the only Person who can lead you to God, show you how to flow with Him and cause you to flow with Him as He flows through you.

Also, another area you should not joke with in your prayer life is the *breaking of bread*. This is about communal fellowship with God and also a personal and internal connection with Him where your healing, protection, provision among others are made available and permanent by your salvation.

Bread is broken at a table where everybody is present. It can be done individually too. But at this table, your hunger and thirst are filled and satisfied by Jesus. At this table we learn, experience and practise going to Jesus and believing in Him for everything.

At this table our eyes are opened to see and identify Jesus for who He is and furthermore we are cleansed and washed clean again and again by his blood for our salvation and receipt of the promises of our salvation.

Beloved all these happen with the movement and work of Precious Holy Spirit. Beloved the depth of your fellowship with God determines your faith in the breaking of bread and how often you practise it.

It is a means of fellowship at higher level with God. Do it everyday.

Finally, our *prayer life*. Beloved, your prayer life is your communication with God. For example, do you have a monologue where you talk alone, shout and exit during prayer or you have a dialogue where you talk and the Lord speaks back to you and there is a converstaion.

When we start prayer, we need to move from the flesh zone into the spirit zone where only truth prevails. It is in the spirit zone that we can sing true worship and praise and also have the kind of communication and time God wants to have with us.

The only way to get into the spirit zone, flow in that realm and have a conversation with God is by Precious Holy Spirit. Without Him you can't get there and even flow or not flow.

You need the Spirit of God to carry you in there and lead you or flow with you to cause you to flow. He needs to have the conversation through you with the Almighty. He knows all you have in you and want to say, He knows what to say and what not to say in the presence of God.

Without the Spirit of God you can never get into His presence and flow with Him.

Beloved we need Precious Holy Spirit for the building of the *four pillars of our spiritual life* and the sustenance of these for the permanent establishment of our spiritual life.

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