
Summary: This is the 9th study in the study "Hope In The Darkness". This study looks at trusting in God even when it seems He is not there.


1 Peter 4:12-19

Does it ever feel like God is on vacation? Like God has abandoned you? Most of the time, when a believer is having problems they automatically assume that God is mad at them and has abandoned them.

As believers, we must learn how to live in trust. We must learn how to trust God in all things even when life seems unfair. Our text gives three ways for us to live in trust.

Don’t Jump To Conclusions

1 Peter 4:12-13

Just because life is difficult doesn’t mean God is gone. Don’t jump to conclusions. There are two different reasons that we go through storms in life.

Sometimes we go through storms because of disobedience. Jonah had to through a storm because he would not obey God. The Bible tells us that God disciplines those whom He loves. Not all storms are because of disobedience, some are because of obedience.

Sometimes we go through storms to grow stronger in our faith. For example, when Jesus sent the Twelve Disciples out on a boat and He stayed on the shore. While the twelve were alone, the storm began to rage and the disciples were scares. As Jesus came walking across the water some of the disciples thought He was a ghost; but Peter recognized that it was Jesus and asked if he could get out of the boat and come to Him. Jesus told him to come and so Peter began to actually walk on water; but all of a sudden because the waves began to hit Peter, he took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink. See, God allowed this storm to happen so that the disciples would grow stronger in their faith.

Just A Thought

List a time when you went through a storm because of disobedience. List a time when you went through a storm because of obedience so that God could grow you. How did you handle your storm of disobedience? How did you handle your storm of obedience? If we are going to live in trust we must not jump to conclusions and…

Don’t Give It A Second Thought

1 Peter 4:14-16

If you are going through storms in your life because of disobedience then you deserve your punishment but if you are suffering for being an obedient believer then don’t give it a second thought. We ought to be proud of being called a Christian. When we are identified as a believer in Christ it is such an honor.

We must allow Satan to cause us to focus on how bad things are because we then start having second thoughts. Focus on all of the blessings that God has given you. With God you are going to be successful. Let Him lead and trust Him.

If we are going to live in trust we must not jump to conclusions, not give it a second thought, and…

Don’t Doubt What God Is Doing

1 Peter 4:17-19

The devil is a master of creating doubt, but believers should never doubt God. God has a plan for you and if He is powerful enough to save you from eternal destruction, He is powerful and wise enough to know what is best for you.

Do you trust God completely? It is easy to say you trust Him, but you prove your trust by obedience. How obedient to God have you been?

Sunday Evening Bible Study

Series: Hope In The Darkness (Study In 1 Peter) #9

April 6, 2003

Bel Aire Baptist Church

Pastor Shawn Drake

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