Justification By Faith Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jul 29, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Justification by Faith is the base of Christianity. Man could not reach God with his morality, offerings and efforts. So Justification is done through faith. Whoever believes in God is justified.
Romans 3:21-31, Justification by Faith
Justification by Faith is the base of Christianity. Man could not reach God with his morality, offerings and efforts. So Justification is done through faith. Whoever believes in God is justified.
Romans 3:21-24 Invaluable Justice
The previous passages proved how humanity failed to reach God. God has opened a new way that Jews, Gentiles who had failed to obey the Law and their Conscience can enter. “All have sinned and fall short of Glory” is the reality. The new way is not entirely new but the dimensional growth of the Old Testament ways set by God. The new way is inclusive of everything. The new way was possible because of a person called Jesus Christ who met the demands, standards of the law, and conscience. God has accepted us and declared us as ‘Not Guilty.’ The righteousness of God which caused through believing in Christ. The personal trust put on Jesus Christ justifies us before God. God sees all of us through Jesus Christ as redeemed sinners. Now all are justified and made upright and in right standing with God. This is a gift by the grace of God. We became righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ. This is an invaluable justice.
Romans 3:25-26 Inimitable Sacrifice
This verse explains the power and efficacy of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ presented himself as a sacrifice of atonement. This act is the demonstration of the Justice of God. God Jesus took all the punishment kept under bail. He became the assurer of the bailed-out sinners of the Old Testament. They were known as saints with retrospective effect. After the death of Jesus on the cross all are set free for eternity. Now salvation is possible through the blood of Jesus Christ and through the faith of an individual on that owner of the blameless blood. God the Father was fair enough to justify all, the former and latter saints through the blood of Christ. Even today, the blood of Christ has the same effect for all those who believe in Him and come to God. God never let the sinners go free from punishment if they don’t accept this inimitable sacrifice.
Romans 3:27-31 Incomparable way
Since the inimitable sacrifice has brought invaluable justice to all humanity. Now no one can boast of the Justification. Jesus Christ belongs to all. Our acquittal was not based on our merits or good works but purely on the grace of God. The observance of the law is not necessary for justification. The way of Christ is the end. There can’t be any other way other than the way of Christ. All are treated the same and one before Christ. No more boasting of any birthrights and religious affinity. Righteousness is conformity to the standard of perfection. It is an attribute of God, it signifies holiness, justice, and right doing in our responsibilities and duties. Righteousness is the possession of the Christian virtues, faith, hope, and charity, a life conforms to the divine law. God can’t be owned by a community or religion. He makes himself available to all irrespective of nationality, caste, community, and race. The religious symbols, signs, and rituals have lost their uniqueness because the way of Christ is unique to all.
1. Why does Law fail to justify a man?
2. Discuss the word atonement based on the Old Testament concept.
3. “Jesus is the way” how to present in the multi-religious context of us.
(for my notes on Romans, Please refer this cite for further studies on Romans)