Just Tenting Series
Contributed by Vance Elzinga on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Also drawing from 2Cor5.1-5, this Fathers Day sermon challenges us to let others see that we regard this life as "tenting."
Story of an influential teacher... and the legacy that we all might leave.
Post-exile emerging generation… What kind of legacy would they leave?
Question for every generation.
The desire to leave an impact on kids, have them turn out, etc...
Identify with the desire to see kids thrive and do well.
Sometimes we want them to have a ’better life’ than us - but temporal?
Identify with the sense of responsibility to provide and/or concerns about whether they are adequately preparing their kids.
Background: Zechariah was writing to returned exiles from Babylon, working to complete the rebuilding of the temple, etc. First part urges courage and looking to (near) future vs. glory days of past. Taking responsibility. Second part (our focus) is on long-term future. Reminder that what we are about here and now is nothing compared to what God will do "on that day" a term used 48x in prophets, 20 in Zechariah alone.
a. Everything we do in this life is like putting up a tent, pushing back chaos, bringing order, living by faith.
b. Tenting is a way of life, doing the things we need to do to live responsibly. It is also not all there is. None of it is permanent; to focus on it is nearsighted.
c. In fact, everything in this life is as temporal as tenting. We need to live that belief and others will see it in us if it is real.
[ See 2Corinthians 5.1-5]
What are some areas in which actual and preferred values differ?
o Actually valuing career success
o Actually valuing money and property (it’s a ____)
o Actually valuing pleasure, comfort
o Actually valuing others’ approval (trophies/tent)
Temptations: assimilation and despair
Dads, what do your kids see you trusting in? Can they see in you the truth that what really matters most is not in this life at all? What will that look like, practically?
What will it mean, practically, to correct our vision?
• Give away more of what we have in this life.
• Put more of our time into loving God and people.
• Hold onto things loosely, open-handed.
• Keep the circumstances of life in perspective.
• Learn Jesus’ relaxed concern, let God interrupt.
• Don’t focus on near problems alone.
What would it be like, if you lost your job?
How about if you lost your health?
What if you faced economic ruin?
What would your kids conclude, dads>
The NT church, when it was a gutsy minority movement, was not perfect - but it was evident that they considered their lives a tent.