
Summary: The kind of government we need

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“The Christian and Politics”

March 6, 2016

Exodus 18:13-26

“13 The next day Moses sat as usual to hear the people’s complaints against each other, from morning to evening.

14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw how much time this was taking, he said, “Why are you trying to do all this alone, with people standing here all day long to get your help?”

15-16 “Well, because the people come to me with their disputes, to ask for God’s decisions,” Moses told him. “I am their judge, deciding who is right and who is wrong, and instructing them in God’s ways. I apply the laws of God to their particular disputes.”

17 “It’s not right!” his father-in-law exclaimed. 18 “You’re going to wear yourself out—and if you do, what will happen to the people? Moses, this job is too heavy a burden for you to try to handle all by yourself. 19-20 Now listen, and let me give you a word of advice, and God will bless you: Be these people’s lawyer—their representative before God—bringing him their questions to decide; you will tell them his decisions, teaching them God’s laws, and showing them the principles of godly living.

21 “Find some capable, godly, honest men who hate bribes, and appoint them as judges, one judge for each 1000 people; he in turn will have ten judges under him, each in charge of a hundred; and under each of them will be two judges, each responsible for the affairs of fifty people; and each of these will have five judges beneath him, each counseling ten persons. 22 Let these men be responsible to serve the people with justice at all times. Anything that is too important or complicated can be brought to you. But the smaller matters they can take care of themselves. That way it will be easier for you because you will share the burden with them. 23 If you follow this advice, and if the Lord agrees, you will be able to endure the pressures, and there will be peace and harmony in the camp.”

24 Moses listened to his father-in-law’s advice and followed this suggestion. 25 He chose able men from all over Israel and made them judges over the people—thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. 26 They were constantly available to administer justice. They brought the hard cases to Moses but judged the smaller matters themselves.”

I don’t know many people who are as into politics as much as my father-in-law, Bob Wilden. At 95, this retired pastor, has the time to listen to every debate and every candidates spiel from every political party. I’ve listened to quite a few debates and investigated the candidate’s backgrounds and history and track records so I can make an intelligent decision when I vote, but I simply can’t listen to everything. For one thing, I can’t take all the negativity and lies and smears that most of them engage in. Unfortunately most Christians also find the process so distasteful that they hardly investigate the candidates or what they say. They often vote for someone who thinks for them. Often they vote for a candidate who have opposing views to theirs and is actually working against the values they hold dear.

I listen to my grandchildren when they come home from school. They ARE being taught in school. They are being influenced for one candidate over another. Listen to them to find out what is being pushed on them. It is disturbing to me. It is mostly very liberal. They aren’t being taught how to think for themselves or how to investigate how to find the best candidate. They are just being persuaded to support one (usually liberal) candidate over another and actually are persuaded to believe lies and mistruths about others (usually conservative) candidates.

This morning, I don’t want to tell you how to vote or what candidate to support. You are smart and intuitive and Spirit led and can figure that out for yourself. What I want to do is share some biblical principles with you regarding this very important topic.

In our Scripture we easily see the first point. The God inspired government was a representative form of government. Listen to it again.

“Be these people’s lawyer—their representative before God—bringing him their questions to decide; you will tell them his decisions, teaching them God’s laws, and showing them the principles of godly living.

“Find some capable, godly, honest men who hate bribes, and appoint them as judges, one judge for each 1000 people; he in turn will have ten judges under him, each in charge of a hundred; and under each of them will be two judges, each responsible for the affairs of fifty people; and each of these will have five judges beneath him, each counseling ten persons. Let these men be responsible to serve the people with justice at all times.” Exodus 18:20-22

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