
Summary: “Prayer also shall he made for him continually.”-

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“Prayer also shall he made for him continually.”-Psalm 72:15.

“Let all that dwell above the sky,And air, and earth, and seas,

Conspire to lift thy glories high,And speak thine endless praise.”

We must still pray for him, not personally, but relatively;

for his cause, for his kingdom, for his gospel, for his people, for his work, for his second coming, and glorious reign.

I. The Service of Prayer

1 Thess. 5 v 25 “Brethren, pray for us,” we are to pray for all the household of faith, we may come

We do pray for the conversion of sinners, but I have been afraid sometimes lest I have been praying for sinners to be converted under my own ministry, with the view of being thought a useful preacher.

Do not let your prayers be all about your own sins, your own wants, your own imperfections, your own trials, but do let them climb the starry ladder and get up to Christ himself, and then, as you draw nigh to the blood-besprinkled mercy-seat, offer this prayer continually, “Lord, extend the kingdom of thy dear Son.” Such a petition, fervently presented, will tend to elevate the spirit and tenor of our prayers.

II. The Sensitivity Of Prayer.

I must plead for Christ’s cause on earth according to its present condition and circumstances; consequently, I shall need to keep my eyes open to see in what plight the kingdom of Christ is.

One is, that Christ may have always willing witnesses for the truth on earth. Your Lord has said, “Pray ye the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest.” It is a prayer much forgotten, but it needs to be revived in the church before we shall see much revival.

Another prayer may always go with it, namely, pray for those that are already in the field. “Brethren, pray for us,” said the apostle.

Another-prayer that God would open doors of utterance to us among the people. Ask that God would send the spirit of hearing throughout this land

then to pray especially for the conversion of many souls.

This is Christ’s delight, his love, his heart’s joy. “joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.” The angels sing, but Christ is the choirmaster there. It is his joy, his heaven, to see sinners saved.

pray for those who are saved, or who make a profession of it, that they may be kept from falling into sin.

pray for the church of God that it may be knit together in one.

pray that all Christians may be one as the Father is one with the Son; that is, one in spirit;

pray,-then ask that the kingdoms of this world may become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. Let no ideas of doctrine check you in such a prayer; you are bound to pray it. Do not think he has only suffered upon Calvary to gather out a few from among men: the day is coming when he shall gather out a multitude that no man can number who shall be his in the day of his appearing.

pray for the all-conquering progress of the gospel of King Jesus.

Do not stint your thoughts and limit your desires: be ambitious for Christ.

Nothing but universal monarchy ought to content you, as it will not content the Master.

The little stone cut out of the mountain without hands must fill the whole earth, and every other image, though it be an image of gold or iron, shall be broken in pieces before the dominion of the kingdom

of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for it, my brethren, pray for it day and night,

and let the verse of Dr. Watts be true of you

“For him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown his head.”

III. The Sincerity of Prayer In

(a) consistency I must pray for Christ, or else I am not consistent with my profession.

(b) gratitude gratitude dictates to me to pray.

(c) Love our love to him will tend in the same way. Loved of Christ from before all worlds, we love him in return. We never pray more fervently, I suppose, than for those whom we love best. He who does not love sinners cannot pray aright for them. When we love sinners, then the prayer is fervent, and when we love Jesus, then will the prayer be earnest.

IV. The Surety in Prayer Observe what Christ is.

He is in constant favor with God.“This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

It is written, “he shall see his seed; he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands.” for the King immortal, eternal, invisible, must reign and put down all dominion and power, and then shall he give the kingdom to God even the Father.

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