
Summary: Jesus is our Great High Priest. Without Him in this role, prayer would be empty words and hopeless. Yet, as High Priest Jesus makes intercession for us. Our praying is powerful because our High Priest Jesus actively works through our petition. What does Jesus do?

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When I was serving as a Pastor in Indiana, we lived near a college and monastery named, “St. Mary of the Woods.” At the monastery there was a place for elderly folks for elderly folks to live from the area so often I went to there often to visit.

To be granted entrance to visit my members of our church there, I was required to gain approval from “Mother Superior or the Abbatissa” who was the nun in charge of the facility; and she was a pretty tough ole’ gal.

I remember going there often and every time I would see the “Mother Superior” although she knew me after several visits, she took joy in every time I went asking me who I was; even though she knew.

Each time I would provide clergy credentials, a card from the church I served as Pastor, and a list of the people I intended to see. Every time she saw my clergy credentials she would say: “You’re too young to be a Pastor.” Most of the time I would just smile and act like it was a compliment.

Yet, one day I was standing in front of Mother Superior and again she looked at my credentials and said: “You’re too young to me a Pastor.” And before I knew it I said: “You think that because you’ve been looking too long at old dried up and wrinkly Priests.”

At first she gave me a scowl and then started to laugh. Then she said: “Ok you youngster, for that you’ve got to go upstairs and visit with the Priest before you are granted entrance.” Sure enough, I was ushered upstairs to the rectory and had to visit the Priest. I confessed what I did, he laughed, I laughed, and believe it or not, from then on Mother Superior, the Priest, and I were friends.

Honestly, that’s the one and only time I have been sent to a Priest. It was less painful than I expected and afterward I was one of the only Protestants granted access to the facility without questioning. ?


In Hebrews 4, as the chapter closes and chapter 5 opens, we find Jesus being presented to us as a Great High Priest that grants us access, not into earthly facilities; but into a Heavenly Throne room.

As believers, Jesus’ role as a Great High Priest is imperative. Without Jesus as the Great High Priest, our prayers would be a waste of breath, and our ability to find help in life would be empty.

In the last four verses of Hebrews 4, we see why Jesus presence in heaven to receive our prayers makes our praying powerful and effective. Again, without Jesus as our Great High Priest, our prayers would be useless.

When you pray, Jesus is present. He’s your High Priest. He’s involved intimately with your prayers. To help you have confidence in praying, the writer of Hebrews presents Jesus as the High Priest; helping you pray powerful prayers.

Transitional Sentence: In this passage, we know that our praying is powerful because as our High Priest Jesus:

I. Sees Everything

vs. 13- “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid out bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.”


Recently, marketers have created something that people are buying and taping to doors. They are calling these the “I saw that door frame Jesus sign.” I’ve seen a few and find them interesting. They’re supposedly sold to help people feel accountable. You can buy one of these $2.90 off of eBay. Or $3.99 as a sticker off of “Great stuff for me.”

The writer of Hebrews knew he was writing to people who were tired, discouraged, and ready to throw in the towel as believers. In response, they had discontinued praying. Their hope and confidence in prayer had fallen by the wayside, and they were struggling to look up to Jesus for anything.

Yet, in this midst of this desert of discouragement; He points them to Jesus and encourages them to start talking to Him again. He presents Jesus as a High Priest who sees what they are going through. He knows their struggles and is the only one who can help.

In verse 13 he presents Jesus saying: “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid out bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Vs. 13

There are two words used to describe how God is aware of everything in our life.

1. Judge

2. Open

In verse 12, he describes God and the ability of His Word. He says that together they are the “judge” of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

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