The Armor Of God Part 1 - Truth Series
Contributed by Doug Fannon on Sep 12, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: We are told to wear the WHOLE armor of god. Not just the piece we like. The first piece of armor is the "Belt of Truth." Note: all scripture is from the NASB95.
This is a command, not a suggestion. It is clear, we are to put on the full armor, not just select pieces of the armor, but the whole armor. This is where Christians get into trouble. We only want to do what is easy and do only what come natural. But the Word of God is clear. We are to put on the whole armor. We will be examining each piece of the armor. The first piece list is TRUTH.
We are to gird our loins with Truth, or as other translations have it, we are to put on the belt of truth.
To put it all in context, I want to read the entire passage on the Armor of God, even through we will only be examining verses 13-14a.
Ephesians 6:10–18
In this current crisis of culture this war of cultures we are experiencing, currently called “cancel culture,” one of the first casualties of this war is the truth. We have political correctness run amok. We can’t say anything for fear of offending someone. It seems the only people you are aloud to offend today is Christians. I for one, am sick of it.
We have what Orson Wells calls doublespeak. For example, we have the bill pending in congress called the “equality bill” which on closer examination reveals that it about anything but equality for all, especially where Christians are concern. Words are being changed around. We heard a former president say he is for the freedom of worship, meaning we can say do within these walls what we want but nothing about freedom to live out our religion in the world. The words "Freedom of religion" is not being called "Freedom of worship" and they are not the same.
Now you can change you birth certificate to read whatever sex you want it to be. The language in the law is carefully written to say you may change your sex from that which was “assigned at birth.”
“Assigned at birth?” You mean someone arbitrarily assigned me my sex at my birth and now I can go back and change it? We can now officially and legally lie on our birth certificates. That defies logic and biology, but that is the world in which we live.
Abortion and killing the preborn has long been called a “freedom of choice” We use the word “gay” instead of homosexual, and Marxism in the church is called “liberation Theology” or “Progressive Christianity.” We must be careful, just because “Christian” words are used, does not make it Christian.
Anyone that disagrees the liberal left and those of the “cancel coulter movement” is labeled racist and a hater. And the list goes on.
What is the truth? This problem we have with truth is nothing new. 2,000 years ago, an innocent man was placed on trial, falsely accused, but the politically correct thing to do had everyone demanding crucifixion. It took a Roman governor to ask the question, “what is truth?”
John 18:38 Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them, “I find no guilt in Him.
I can identify with Pilate here. The evidence is clear, but the world demand a false verdict. The question “What is truth?” is being asked by many today. Even our president has been fed up with he has called “fake news.” Even with this COVID-19 pandemic that is ongoing, many wonder what is the truth? Is it real? Do the wearing of masks work or not? Many people read the reports on Facebook, and if its in print on Facebook, it must be so, right?
We are enslaved to the what the world calls truth and to many people are bound by the lies of the world, their own lies and the deception of the wicked one – the Devil. What are we to do? Jesus said:
John 8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
And how shall we know the truth? The truth is not a concept or an abstract concept to be grasped. It is a person. Again, Jesus said:
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
We can know the truth. And the truth can free us from the lies of the world. Now, let’s get back to the armor of God.
Ephesians 6:13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
First word is “therefore,” and it means that Paul is making a conclusion based on what was said before. What was said that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, so we must put on the whole armor of God, so we can stand against the evil forces in the heavenly places, so we can resist the day of evil. What day is that evil day? I don’t know about you, but that evil day is just about every day.