
Summary: The last but not least piece of the Christian’s armor is prayer.

Christian Warfare - Pt. 8

We now come to the final installment in our series on the Christian warfare I have been teaching God’s Word for well over 20 years. I can honestly say that there has not been a series of lessons that have been as crucial than those of this series. Truly, whether or not you and I apply what we have learned will be the difference between victory and defeat in our spiritual lives. I hope that you take the information and, with God‘s assistance, that you suit-up in the armor of God each new day while you breath on this earth.

The last facet to our warfare cannot technically be described as armor. However, it is as vital to success in war as armor and weaponry. It is communication with Headquarters. One of the basic tenets of warfare is to always maintain a line of communication between the troops and their military command. It does not take a rocket scientist to discern the importance of this.

Through communication, Headquarters can provide necessary information to the troops - where the troops should be and how most wisely to respond to the enemy (whether defensively or offensively). Just as important, through the line of communication, the troops can relay to Headquarters their needs. The need for tactical guidance, the need for reinforcements, the need for first aid, the need for a morale boost, the need for a little R & R.

In Verse 18, Paul speaks of this line of communication between Christian soldiers and their Commander-in-Chief. Of course, we are speaking of prayer. Prayer is the Christian soldier’s line of communication to our Commander Jesus. No Christian soldier will win this war unless they maintain that line of communication. No Christian will survive Satan’s assaults, let alone gain any ground, unless they are prayer warriors.

I am absolutely convinced that the reason why so many Christians stumble, why so many Christians get so frustrated, why so many panic when the enemy attacks, why so many Christians get discouraged, why so many Christians lack holy boldness and inward peace is because they fail to maintain their communication with Headquarters… they fail to pray. We fail to understand that if the line of communication is maintained then the line of supply from Headquarters is also opened and maintained.

Our receiving what the Lord wants to supply - wisdom, encouragement, peace, comfort, strength, steadfastness, boldness and deliverance - is very much dependant upon prayer. Since this is true, the Scriptures tell us…. yea directs us ‘always to pray’ (Luke 18:1), ‘pray always’ (Ephesians 6:18), ‘continue in prayer’ (Colossians 4:2), be "devoted to prayer" (Romans 12:12), and ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

How many of us are faithful in those commands? Very few.

Brethren, another basic principle of military strategy is to destroy your enemies’ line of communications. Take for example the two last wars we have had with Iraq Before we moved our troops into enemy territory, we used missiles to destroy the Iraqi military’s ability to communicate. This left the Iraqi troops blind and without support.

I tell you now, Satan will do all that he can to disrupt and destroy your line of communication to Commander Jesus. He will put forth incredible effort to keep you from being a prayer warrior. He knows that if you ‘pray always’, he doesn’t stand much of a chance to defeat you. "Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees."

Now, brother Scott, I have a pretty busy life. I have got responsibilities. I don’t have the luxury to get down on my knees and pray throughout the day I got household duties and chores, I got children to tend to, I got my job, I have my school classes…. I do not have the opportunity ‘always to pray’.

Dear brethren, it has been my experience and observation that we have opportunities for prayer throughout most of our days. For the Lord to hear you, you don’t have to kneel down, you don’t have to verbalize your prayerful thoughts, you don’t even have to close your eyes. The Lord constantly is reading your mind and taking note of your thoughts.

Each of us receives on average about 50,000-60,000 messages per day. Most of these messages are silent thoughts you consciously entertain daily from within - it is called self-talk. How is it that we can speak to ourselves 50,000 messages daily - as busy as we are - yet cannot find opportunity to talk to God? Prayer, brethren, is just like self-talk except that it is focused on the Lord. You are talking to the Lord rather than to yourself. I am confident our lives would be a whole lot better and more blessed if we talked to God a lot more often than talking to ourselves.

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By: Paul Fritz

You viewed this on Friday, March 28
