Obedience And The Other Witness - 8 Of 14 Series
Contributed by Russell Metcalfe on Jan 29, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: We must obey God, not human authority. We need to believe that what we are doing is God's will. We don't ask God's blessing on OUR ideas and plans— instead we submit our will to HIS.
April 19, 1998
And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him. Acts 5:32
God's chosen leader-successor to Moses, Joshua, led the Israelites into Canaan, the Promised Land. By a miracle very much like the miracle that delivered them from Egypt, the waters of the Jordan, swollen at flood level, had parted while the entire young nation marched across into land in which Abraham had sojourned. It was a thrilling time. Joshua was being brave and very courageous, as he had been told by God to be.
But just at this time Joshua met God in a new way. In a new, unrecognized form God met Joshua along the way— as a man with a drawn sword. Joshua, in his boldness asked this wonderful being "Are you for us? or are you for our adversaries?" It is something we would all like to know. Is God on our side?
Now God is "for" every man and woman on the face of the earth, in that God loves us, and He wills life and goodness for us. But God is not "for" any person or group of persons in serving their goals, being "used" to bring about health, and wealth, and success. As Abraham Lincoln wisely said, "I am not concerned if God is on our side; I am concerned that I be on God's side."
Joshua got this answer:
No! As the captain of the Lord's hosts I have come!
Joshua immediately did the right thing. He realized he was in God's presence. He fell on his face and worshiped. The God spoke to Joshua in much the same we he had called Moses more than 40 years before, from the burning bush. "Take your sandals off your feet! You are in God's Presence! This is holy ground!"
Joshua was being fine tuned for obedience here. Joshua was God's choice as leader, but Joshua was not to be calling the turns. Joshua was not himself to be "in charge." Joshua was learning that his power was only in his obedience to God's revealed will.
Just a few days later in the next chapter or so of this history is the famous battle that is still celebrated in spiritual and song— the battle of Jericho. It was a strange campaign, that. You know the story— marching around the walls in silence seven days. The seventh day multiple marches and then sudden blowing of the ram's horns. It was a miraculous victory that put the fear of God into the enemies of Israel. Once again success was dangerous, however. For the very next battle was against a small tribal kingdom called Ai. This enemy army was so small that just a few regiments were sent to bring them under control.
But instead of smashing victory there was shameful defeat. The reason, as it was discovered, was that among the soldiers was willful disobedience and defiance of God's will. A man called Achan had deliberately kept spoils to his personal use. God refused to bless the efforts of the Israeli army until they had repented and returned to the ways of obedience.
What Joshua learned that day as he met the Captain of the Lord's hosts was that obedience is what wins the day! It pays to stay in touch with God— in tune with His will.
Fifteen-hundred years later this principle was still very much in force. In obedience to Christ's command the disciples waited in Jerusalem and the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost and filled them with power. The very first day it was not the walls of Jericho, but the gates of hell that were shaken, as 3,000 souls entered the kingdom under the preaching of Peter and the witness of the 120 spilling out of the Upper Room.
The disciples had their set-backs. They didn't have an Achan in the Early Church, but they did have Ananias and Sapphira, who lied to the Holy Spirit, and lost their lives because of their wrong spirit. But as long as the disciples were careful to seek and obey God's leading, they were unstoppable.
In the passage read this morning, the disciples have been arrested and warned— they have been arrested again and jailed— they have been set free by God's intervention, and have gone back to the Temple area to preach again about the resurrection power of God in Jesus Christ. As they obey God they are unstoppable!
Brought before the authorities they are commanded again not to speak in Jesus' name. Then comes this text. WE MUST OBEY GOD, RATHER THAN HUMAN AUTHORITY!
Now 2,000 years later it speaks the truth to us in our march from "Ashes to Fire!" This text says four important things: