Glory In The Triumphant Entry Series
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Glory in The Triumphant Entry
Reading: John chapter 12 verses 12-17.
• After going on a diet, a woman was really feeling good about herself;
• Especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago.
• "Look, look!" she shouted while running downstairs to show her husband.
• "I can wear my old jeans again!"
• Her husband looked at her for a long time,
• Obviously struggling with knowing what to say.
• Finally, he just had to say it,
• "Darling, I love you, but those are my jeans."
If you ever get things wrong:
• You are in very good company!
• We all know how you feel because we’ve all been there!
• Some people look at the events of Easter as something that went wrong;
• They think Jesus got backed into a corner he could not get out of!
• Many view him as a martyr;
• A willing victim overtaken by events.
• We know of course that the very opposite is true!
• Jesus was in perfect control of everything he did.
• His entry into Jerusalem was not spontaneous and unplanned;
• Mark in his gospel (chapter 11 verse 1-6) tells us that Jesus sent two disciples ahead.
• They went to find a colt not buy a colt;
• They were only to say; “The Lord has need of it”!
• They returned with it;
• And the entrance of Jesus would be calculated and quite deliberate!
The road to the cross was a….
(1). Road of Destiny (verses 12-13):
“The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.
• The feast of Passover is around March-April;
• It is one of the great festivals of the Jewish year when the people reminded themselves:
• Of the dramatic way in which God had saved them,
• Miraculously rescued them from their Egyptian task-masters (Exodus chapter 12).
• So it was a time of fun and excitement; a party time atmosphere would be in the air.
• Large numbers of people would make the trip to Jerusalem from all over the world!
• The people came expectantly, maybe this year the Messiah would come;
• And set them free from their oppressors - The Romans!
On this occasion it was more enthusiastic and fervent than normal:
• “The great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.
• Those who saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead were in Jerusalem spreading the news.
• The atmosphere was one of absolute expectancy;
• They were going to be the select few who would welcome the Messiah to Jerusalem.
Question: How would the nation recognise their Messiah?
Answer: Twofold:
• One way was word of mouth – news spread of what Jesus was able to do!
• Give sight to blind, cast out demons, heal the sick, even raise the dead!
• The other way to recognise the Messiah;
• Was the Messiah fulfilling prophecies.
• If someone arrives at your house claiming to be an ambassador of the Queen,
• You would expect him or her to have proof of who they are!
• Where is your identification;
• Where is your security pass or passport etc.
In a similar way:
• When Jesus arrived on planet earth what credentials of proof to who he was.
• A phrase that you read again and again is this; “So that the scripture might be fulfilled”
• Prophecies written by God in the Old Testament part of the Bible;
• Were fulfilled, sometimes fulfilled in great detail!
Several are fulfilled in this story:
13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Blessed is the King of Israel!”
• The words that the crowd shouted;
• Are taken from several Old Testament Psalms.
• Although this was a spontaneous act of devotion to Jesus;
• Their was logic and reason in the crowds choice of words.
• Hosanna originally was a cry to heaven for help;
• It originally meant; “Save us we pray”;
• Later on as language changed, the word changed in its usage;
• And came to signify rejoicing and became an expression of praise.
In English we have done the same with the expression “God save the King or Queen”.
• Originally the phrase had a comma “God, (comma) save the King or Queen”.
• In this form it was a prayer.
• Later on the comma was dropped and “God save the King or Queen”.
• Became a shout of praise or honour.