
Summary: Isaac revived the wells of his father Abraham, which brought waters, followed by peace with others. Initially he had to face the problems and hostility yet he was victorious because God was with him.


Gen 26:12-33

26:12-17 Blessings are gift from the Lord

The life of Abraham and the life of Isaac are more or less same. There was famine, both went to foreign countries. Abraham lived in Egypt so Isaac wanted to go to Egypt but God denied permission to do So (Gen26:2-6). He stayed back in the country of Gerar as per the command and the prophetical blessings of God.

God blessed Isaac when he sowed the seeds. He reaped a hundredfold blessing. He became rich, he grew richer and became great. He had flocks, herds, and many men and maid servants. The wealth and the greatness were result of honesty, industrial efforts of Isaac. He earned in a rightful way. However, he became the object of enmity and faced the wrath of the local leader. So, the Philistines destroyed the wells which he inherited from his father Abraham. Isaac was robbed, threatened and sent out because he became a stronger man.

26:18-22 Revival has long road

Isaac revived the same wells and called by the same names. Digging the wells means the claiming of the ownership of the land. The meek would inherit the Land in God’s time.

The men of Lot fought with the men of Abraham, so he was blessed. The men of Abimelech fought with Isaac so he was blessed. Remember that content is a blessing to the Children of God, whenever people hate you, speak against you, content with you, hostile with you means you are under the grace of God. You are driven to the best if you are in the hands of God.

Abraham was man of Altars; Isaac became a man f tents and wells. He understood and experienced God as protector, provider. He has plenty to give. Instead of wasting his time, energy and peace, he trusted in the God who created the heavens and the earth. He can make wells, he can bring waters, he can give prosperity. God appeared to him and told him that he would bless him (v.24).

26:23-33 God is your provision

Isaac decided to live in peace, he moved out of the place where he had content, hostility and enmity. He lost the wells of His father, he had to lose the wells of Esek(contention), Sitnah (Opposition), Rehoboth (Roominess) and so on. Finally, he was led to the place called Beersheba. This was the place he had walked with his father Abraham, where he learned the value of faith, obedience, and sacrifice (Gen.22:19). He had dug a well in the valley and found water. But God took him to the highest place. Highest place in the life.

Isaac encountered the enmity from the non-Abraham groups, non-covenantal groups. The early Church faced the persecution from the Romans and the non-believing Jews. Whereas today the Church is crippled, ministries are stands still and Gospel is not preached not because of the problems of the unbelievers, heathens or the so-called fundamental groups or the Governmental ordinances but because of our own people. The traditional Christians who are not born again, who have no fear of God who are indulged in all kinds of sins.

The traditional values, theological understandings, interpretations are very important. Where we are in our spiritual life is important. How the early Church grew, how reformers like Martin Luther, Calvin, John Wesley took pain to bring life into the Church. A real study on their lives, on the lives of the churches of their days will bring enlightenment to us. Again, how we are going to bring revival in our Church activities. The revival of the Church is lying within us.


Go back to your original commitment, your beginnings, where are you now in your love, in your faith, in your submission, in your covenant, in your aim, goal, purpose, focus. Let diversions die and revival be quickened in you.

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