
Summary: Daniel Chapter 8 Survey.

Daniel Survey

Chapter 8 Outline

Rev. Bruce A. Shields

First Baptist Church of Tawas City Michigan

Cleansed at Last

Quick Review of Daniel so far;

1 – God turns defeat into victory (Babylon overthrows Jerusalem)

2 – God is the revealer of secrets (Dream of Statue and metals)

3 – God is the redeemer of people (Golden Statue Made for Worship)

4 – God is the ruler of Kings (Nebuchadnezzar turns back to God)

5 – God is God of justice and judgment (Babylon falls to Medo Persia)

6 – God is our Deliverer (Daniel and the Lions Den)

7 – Prophetic dream of 4 beasts

In the 3rd year of King Belshazzar’s reign which is 551 B.C.

In Daniel 2 we saw the prophecies of images and metals.

In Daniel 7 we saw the fierce warlike beasts.

Now in Daniel 8 we see 2 animals that are used in the sanctuary sacrifices.

Metals represent man made kingdoms.

Fierce beasts represent kingdoms warring against God’s kingdom.

We see in Daniel 8 Satan’s attack on God’s truth at the end of times.

This is why sanctuary animals that were sacrificed during (Yom Kippur) or the Day of Atonement (The end of the Jewish year) were used. To show us this was going to take place at the end of days.

RAM (8:3) 2 horns = 1:Media & 2:Persia

Persia = the high horn that came up last.

:4 The RAM pushed west, north and south = Persia growing as a nation.

:5 The GOAT from the west = Greece.

:8 Prominent horn between the eyes = Alexander the Great

Horn broken off = Alexander the greats death

4 prominent horns = the 4 generals

Out of the 4 generals came 1 little horn (just as in Daniel 7)

The little horn from the Greece Empire is Pagan Rome.

:9 Pagan Rome grows East and South and becomes a religious political power.

:11 Prince of host = Jesus. Little horn exalts himself to Jesus.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 – 4

Acts 20:28 – 29

The little horn becomes exceedingly great (Pagan Rome)

Casts the truth of heaven to the ground and attacks God’s people.


All cast down for the tradition of men.

:14 2300 days until sanctuary will be cleansed.

TIME: 2300 days (not literal)

PLACE: Sanctuary

EVENT: Cleansing

WHEN? Daniel 8:17 “time of the end” :19 “last end”

Ezekiel 6:4

Each prophetic day = 1 literal year

2300 days = 2300 years since temple was defiled (Lucifer’s rebellion?)

2 sanctuaries ion the Bible

1-(representative) earthly temple built by Moses

2-(true) heavenly temple established by God

Everyday in the earthly temple sacrifices for sin were made.

Once a year the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies at the end of the Jewish year called YOM KIPPUR.

This is called the Day of Atonement.

The dying sacrificial lamb in the outer court of the tabernacle represents Christ dying outside of heaven…the holy of holies where God resides.

Jesus then ascended to heaven a sin offering, just as the earthly high priest took the blood from the sacrifice to the shroud of the most holy place presenting it to God.

Jesus ascended to God as our high priest.

All of the Jews would gather around the tabernacle at this time of atonement, YM KIPPUR, and examine their hearts for a commitment of themselves to God for another year.

This time of atonement and cleansing in the earthly temple at the end of the year represents the cleansing of Judgment by the Father and Son at the end of days.

Leviticus 16:30 – Day of Atonement

Leviticus 23:28 – 29

At – at

One – one

Ment – with God

Earthly high priest entered the holy of holies before God and represented the people.

Jesus as our High Priest represents us before God the Father.

At the end times, just as in Yom Kippur, God will give a final appeal to all to turn to God before Judgment.

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