
Summary: Jonah has spoken his peace to God, displeasure. Now God speaks to Jonah, denounces

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Jonah has spoken his peace to God, displeasure. Now God speaks to Jonah, denounces, Both by word and deed. God rebukes Jonah and wants to bring about a better attitude about Nineveh’s revival. Jonah’s attitude needed denouncing. It was not a problem that could be ignored. It was a big problem and greatly dishonored God. It rendered Jonah useless in God's service. We normally think drinking, dancing, gambling, immorality are big sins. Seldom if ever, do we consider the spirit of Jonah rendering us useless in God's service.

The wrong spirit can destroy the church! It fosters backbiting, murmuring, gossip, and sulking.

I. The Searching by Denunciation

1. God asked, “do as thou well to be angry.”

a. Like a doctor probing a womb before he medicates. To heal is the goal.

b. God knows how to ask questions.

2. God is a God slow to anger and of great kindness. Verse 2

3. Therefore, before God deals with a firm hand in judgment, He will first reason with man about his sins. Revelation 3:19

4. Not all anger is bad, some anger is justifiable. Ephesians 4:26

a. Moral indignation, evil should upset us.

b. To be angry about unbelief is justifiable anger.

5. Jonah's anger was totally unjustified.

a. His anger was motivated by selfishness.

b. He was upset by God's works.

c. His anger would not inspire any good action.

d. His prayer dishonored God. He wanted to die, and God said, “No.”

6. How many bad attitudes and actions could be corrected if we would evaluate them in the light of God's word?

7. It is a good question God asked Jonah.

a. It searches out motives.

b. The end results and character

c. God's work can help sanctify our conduct.

II. The Sitting Under Denunciation

1. Jonah did not answer God's question. He went out to watch and see Nineveh’s results.

a. Sit, on higher ground

b. no shade

2. Sitting can be a form of rebellion.

a. At times we are to sit and wait on the Lord, but this was not the case.

b. Jonah was displeased with God.

III. The Shadowing by Denunciation

1. God was providing shade for Jonah

2. Prepared, same word used in Chapter 1

a. The word prepared means to appoint as well as prepare.

b. It shows the reason for the shade and the reaction to it. Verse 6

3. The reason: was to deliver Jonah from his grief.

a. The word grief is the same word wickedness. 1:2

b. God's grace is trying to cool the hot temper of Jonah and bring him to his senses.

c. God is not providing the shade for Jonah’s fleshly enjoyment. God is trying to correct an evil. Romans 2: 4

4. The reaction: Jonah showed poor affections for the things of God.

a. Poor appreciation for the blessings of God.

b. He was enthused about the wrong things and was ungrateful.

5. Few things put a person so quickly in the sour mood as ungratefulness.

6. You will never find a sour spirit in a thankful heart.

IV. The Smiting from Denunciation

1. God has been trying to get Jonah’s attention and it has been with gentleness.

2. Jonah has to learn the hard way, many of us do.

3. Gods used a worm to smite the gourd.

a. Then he sent the hot wind.

b. In verse seven we find the word prepared again.

4. What does the worm mean?

a. Jonah did not use the blessing properly.

b. The worm will smite the blessing.

5. The wind, deadly, destructive

a. How often in the Bible did God use the wind?

V. The Stubbornness before Denunciation

1. In verse 9, God spoke to Jonah again. God is trying to get Jonah to search his heart.

2. In verse 9, Jonah’s answer: he is still angry. He will not give up easily.

a. Evil never gives up easily.

b. Sin is stubborn!

VI. The Scolding

1. Jonah's main problem was unbalanced compassion.

a. His values were twisted.

b. His affections were distorted.

c. His sympathies were biased.

2. You know a lot about a person when you know what they're concerned about.

a. What do we care most about? With our time, attention, affection come energy.

b. We make money more important than morals.

c. Jobs more important than our family.

d. Our popularity more than our character.

e. Work more important than our worship.

f. Material and physical wellbeing more important than our spiritual wellbeing.

3. I wonder how many professing Christians have lost their zeal for spiritual needs because of interest in the things of the world.

a. Matthew 22: 37

b. 1 John 2: 15-17

c. Paul said. Acts 20:31; Romans 9:1-3

4. Jonah was more caught up in the need of a gourd.

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