Why Church #7 A Changed Heart Changes Everything Series
Contributed by Robert Malcolm on Jan 9, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Many people dislike change, yet change is needed in every follower of Christ. This change must happen from the inside out if we want it to last.
~ Intro: When should we see Christmas in society...
Turn with me to our text for today Ephesians 4:17…
1. Heart change leads to a change in our thinking.(vrs 17-24)
• It’s an inside out thing…
• Our thinking and understanding will no longer be futile or useless.
- A touched heart temporarily effect our emotions not our thinking.
~ Aid fund raisers for African children.
• This comes through the renewing of our hearts and minds/attitudes.
- How we really think is always seen in our attitudes.
- So how do we this?
• Our minds are only renewed from being taught God’s Word.
- We need to get rid of old things.
- We need to put on righteousness and holiness.
- We need others help in this.
Now we need to be sure we don’t stop here and only let the internal be changed…and this brings us to our 2nd point…
2. Our outward duty is to change what God’s Word shows us to change.(vrs 25-32)
• I love that our text doesn’t tell us to get rid of stuff but to replace it.
- If we take off a coat and put on another one then we won’t be able to, or need to put the first back on. (illustrate with coats)
- Unfortunately many Christians only try getting rid of the old and never replace it.
• Change starts with honesty to ourselves and others.
- We need to speak the truth and stop lying.
- I’ve said it before, and will again, lying is plaguing the church today
~ Our little white lies…
• Next, we can’t let anger dictate how we act.
- Anger isn’t sin…how we act as a result of it can be.
- Why is this so crucial, because this issue can give satan the “in” he is looking for.
- Illustration: Abraham Lincoln’s secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered by an army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stanton complained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write the officer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the strongly worded letter to the president. "What are you going to do with it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it." Lincoln shook his head. "You don’t want to send that letter," he said. "Put it in the stove. That’s what I do when I have written a letter while I am angry. It’s a good letter and you had a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, and write another."
• Be sure to work hard at whatever we can.
- Don’t steal
- Person who lost all, home, job/career…felt unable to compete in current job market, tried for many months to get any job. Finally started doing day labor…lead to 2 job offers. After a while to a better job, home and career.
- Or story about working at a gas station … worked hard to make it the best experience for all who bought gas … offered a job with possibilities selling cars, made a six figure income, met his wife, stated a family with the birth of a son … offered another job that was an ideal career that he is still in today … all because he worked hard at a gas station.
God now brings us back to a very crucial issue and raises it to another level…
• Only speak that which helps others.
- Helping here means to build up stronger
• Lastly, we are to actively work at pleasing the Holy Spirit.
- We do this by avoiding some basic things
~ Bitterness, rage, anger, fighting, slander, every from of evil.
~ But how…focus on and replace with the right things.
- Endeavor to always show Christlike compassion and forgiveness to all.
~ We need to live the Christmas hymn…Joy to the World
So have you had a change of heart…
~ Conclusion:
• Remember a changed heart will effect everything we do.
- Has our heart been changed or just touched
~ A touched heart has big feelings but little changes.
- Have we replaced the old self
• Today you may be here and realized for the first time that God wants to change your heart and affect your daily life.
- Accepting what He did and starting a relationship with Him isn’t hard...
~ It’s as simple as the A, B, C’s…