The Shepherd Heart Of Paul Series
Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 21, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Paul refutes the falsehoods and expresses his concern for the church. We learn from his example to (1) stand firm in the truth, (2) love the people of God, and (3) right what is wrong.
2 Cor 12:11-21 The Shepherd Heart of Paul
Paul Making His Closing Remarks in His Defence
11I have been a fool! You forced me to it, for I ought to have been commended by you. For I was not at all inferior to these super-apostles, even though I am nothing. 12The signs of a true apostle were performed among you with utmost patience, with signs and wonders and mighty works. 13For in what were you less favoured than the rest of the churches, except that I myself did not burden you? Forgive me this wrong!
14Here for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be a burden, for I seek not what is yours but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children. 15I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls. If I love you more, am I to be loved less? 16But granting that I myself did not burden you, I was crafty, you say, and got the better of you by deceit. 17Did I take advantage of you through any of those whom I sent to you? 18I urged Titus to go, and sent the brother with him. Did Titus take advantage of you? Did we not act in the same spirit? Did we not take the same steps?
19Have you been thinking all along that we have been defending ourselves to you? It is in the sight of God that we have been speaking in Christ, and all for your upbuilding, beloved. 20For I fear that perhaps when I come I may find you not as I wish, and that you may find me not as you wish—that perhaps there may be quarrelling, jealousy, anger, hostility, slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder. 21I fear that when I come again my God may humble me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual immorality, and sensuality that they have practised.
I am grateful that Paul has written these words in chapters 10-13 to defend himself.
• He set the record straight and helps us answer the question: What do you do when people wrong you or accuse you falsely?
• I believe we have similar experiences when we are criticised wrongly or because of prejudice or some misunderstanding.
• Paul stood firm and presented the truth; he maintained his fellowship with them.
In his closing remarks, he expresses his concern for the church. We see 3 clear paragraphs in our text today:
• Firstly, he refuted the falsehoods and reminded the Corinthians of the truth.
• Secondly, he shows his care and love for them (like a parent would over his children) despite their foolishness, and
• Thirdly, he disciplines those he loves and urges them to repent and right what has been done wrong, before he comes again.
11I have been a fool! You forced me to it, for I ought to have been commended by you. For I was not at all inferior to these super-apostles, even though I am nothing. 12The signs of a true apostle were performed among you with utmost patience, with signs and wonders and mighty works.
All this “foolish boasting” was something Paul would rather not do but he was “forced into” because of the allegations levelled at him by the false apostles, who have infiltrated the church and confused the congregation.
• Paul played their game and defended his apostleship and his ministry, even recounting his visions and revelation (which he has kept a secret for 14 years ago), to prove that he was not inferior to the “super apostles”.
• 12:12 “The signs of a true apostle were performed among you with utmost patience, with signs and wonders and mighty works.”
Frankly all this “boasting” was quite unnecessary if the Corinthians had stood firm and defended him because they knew Paul from the beginning.
• They ought to have commended him (12:11) but they did not, Paul said.
• They were swayed by the false teachers and instigated by the enemies to doubt Paul’s character and credibility.
Beware of falsehoods and those that sow discords. We seek to understand the truth and stand by the truth.
• Paul sets the record straight and corrects the falsehoods. He stands by what is true and he explains the truth.
• Knowing Paul, this was done not so much to protect his reputation but the truthfulness of the Gospel he carries, which could be compromised if his credibility takes a hit.
• So he went to great lengths to defend his apostleship and ministry and even to tell of his visions and revelations.