
Summary: Living a godly life is the better life. What must we invest ourselves in to live a godly life and experience the better life?

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This series is based upon a series by Nelson Searcy and the Journey Church. This sermon is my own, however.

The Challenge of Godliness

1 Timothy 4:7-8

2 Peter 1:3-8

Worldliness has value for nothing

Godliness has value for everything

Godliness requires Divine Intervention

Godliness requires Human Investment

What investments can we make toward godliness?

Invest in knowing the word

Invest in praying to God

Invest in Serving other people

Invest in worshiping in Song

Invest in Seeking the Lost


Good morning.

We are 2 months into the New Year and it is going by fast, isn’t it?

It doesn’t seem that long ago that people were making New Year’s resolutions.

This is going to be a better year.

I am going to lose weight

I am going to get in better shape physically.

I am going to do better at my job

I am going to get a different job

I am going to make more money

Basically what people are saying is they want a better life.

Then the days turn into weeks turn into months and even when things do change, does life get better as we expect it to?

Sure we it may get better for a little while, but then those changes don’t seem to bring the joy that they used to. Life gets back into a rut and many times we find that “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Or as Solomon might say, “there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

That is because often, I believe, we put too much stock in changing our external lives or circumstances so that we might live a better life.

We find that changing the externals really only brings momentary happiness, before drifting back to “the same old, same old.”

If that is the case, is there really any hope of experiencing a better life for the long haul?

Well, it turns out there is.

This morning we are going to talk about the Challenge of Godliness


and how living a godly life can truly help us to live a better life.

Jesus, who is God in the flesh, told us in

John 10:10 – I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

If you would like to experience that full life, then turn with me this morning to

1 Timothy 4:7-8



We are going to hear what Paul tells Timothy about the value of living a godly life and then take a look at what it takes to live that kind of life.

1 Timothy 4:7-8

7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Paul starts out by telling us that

Worldliness has value for Nothing


1 Timothy 4:7

Godless myths, old wives tales, the things of this world are valueless –

Why invest yourselves into things that are worthless for the long term?

He tells us to have nothing to do with things that are not godly because ultimately they are worthless.

Every one of us is faced with decisions each day as to where we will invest ourselves.

We all have to work and we are called to do a good job, but is that our reason for being?

We all like to have leisure time, and many people work just so we can have leisure time, but is that our reason for living?

We have to balance the things of this life that are seeking to compete for our time. And we want to do that in such a way and invest as much as we can in the things that will truly make a difference and help us to experience a better life.

Well, if the ways of the world holds nothing of value to make our lives better, then what does hold value for our lives?

Well, Paul tells us that

Godliness has value for Everything


1 Timothy 4:8

8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Living a godly life has value

for all things,

for every aspect of our life,


Forever in this physical life, and

forever for our eternal life

Ok, so godliness is valuable.

There are some here who already know that, and there are some here who that may be news to.

The real question is how do we become godly?

Well, we are going to turn to another verse.

Turn with me to

2 Peter 1:3-8 (p. 860)


We are going to look at what Peter says about godliness.

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