
Summary: Discussion about the presence of the Holy Ghost with the mention of speaking tongues.


I like the story of the minister who was in his study preparing for the Sunday service. He was in prayer asking the Lord to fill him with the Holy Spirit before he left the room to begin the service. A little boy passed the study hearing the pleadings of the minister. As the boy sat in the pew, someone asked where the minister was at. The little boy said he was in the office yelling at someone in his study saying that if that person did not come out of the office with him, then he was not going to come out either. Church, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Bob Briggs from

The indwelling of the Holy Ghost is a subject so profound, and so having to do with the inner man, that no soul will be able truly and really to comprehend what I say, unless it has been taught of God. Charles Spurgeon The Personality of the Holy Ghost

A. Differing Opinions

Considerable divergence of opinion surrounds this subject, with spiritual giants ranged on either

side. It is well therefore, to approach our study in humility of mind and with the

greatest charity . . . J. Oswald Sanders pg 62

“The believer may ask and expect to a baptism of the Spirit.” Andrew Murray

“The baptism is not, like the filling, presented to us as a blessing for which the

Christian is to seek.” Bishop Moule

“It does not follow that every believer has received this baptism of the Spirit.”

A. J. Gordon

“It is not right that the Christian should profess to be waiting for the baptism of

the Spirit.” G. Campbell Morgan

“Beware of seeking less than the baptism of the Holy Spirit.” Horatius Bonar

B. Two opposing views: J. Oswald Sanders pg 63

1. The baptism of (or in) the Spirit is an operation of the Spirit distinct from and additional to His regenerating work, which is to be sought and obtained by the believer.

a. A central doctrine to Pentecostal churches.

b. Also held by some non-Pentecostal members.

c. The contention is that though one may be regenerated without this Spirit- baptism, one without this experience is not fully sanctified and does not enjoy full power for service. J. O. S. pg 63

d. It is maintained that the terms “baptized,” “filled,” “received,” “endued,” are

all used to describe one and the same experience and are therefore practically synonymous.

e. The baptism, it is said, is a definite, conscious experience and one may know

whether or not he has received it.

f. It is held that the promise “Ye shall be baptized with the Spirit not many days

hence”, was given to men already regenerated.

g. Regeneration imparts life, but the baptism with power is imparted for service.

2. The baptism of the Spirit is an event synchronous (at the same time) with the reception of Christ.

a. The event is never repeated and need not be sought. There is no “tarrying”

to be endued with power.

b. Adherents of this view maintain that the baptism in the Spirit is connected only

with the events which center in and circle around Pentecost.

C. A Third View: Baptism and Filling According to J. Oswald Sanders pg 64 - 65

1. A problem is created by our Lord’s promise, “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit

not many days hence,” in that when the promise was fulfilled, no mention is made of the baptism at all. The statement is “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.”

While both words have reference to the same event and experience, each has its own signification.

2. Actually the words “baptism” and “filling,” far from be synonymous are opposite in meaning.

a. By the baptism we are put into the element.

b. By the filling the element is put into us.

c. By the baptism, we are in the Spirit.

d. By the filling, the Spirit is in us.

3. The Spirit-baptism, as in water baptism, is initial, and so far as clear Scripture statement is concerned, is never repeated.

4. On the other hand, the filling may be repeated, or may never be experienced.

5. The baptism is the historical event. I Cor.12:13 “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.”

6. The filling is the human experience.

7. On the day of Pentecost, both took place simultaneously.

Scripture nowhere exhorts believers to seek this baptism, nor is there any distinction made between those who have and those who have not been so baptized. It is presented as a fact common to all believers. Again I Cor. 12:13

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By: Mike Salman

You viewed this on Wednesday, March 26
