Joy Series
Contributed by Joe Bedy on Dec 2, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Please keep in mind this sermon was written for residents in an ALF memory care facility.
Sermon On Joy Market Street ( A memory care facility in Tarpon Springs, FL)
December 1 2019
Welcome the church that meets at Market Street.
Review gift of the Holy Spirit and who the church is.
Talk about the woman at the well.
Discuss again and we have the gift of the Holy Spirit and we truly are the church we get the fruit of the Spirit who lives in us.
Read : Gal. 5: 16-18 & 22-26
Searched online for things that bring us joy. Almost everything I found was written by women so I think things that bring them joy WOULD NOT bring us men any joy! But I did find one list written by a man
Here is what I found:
The men’s list:
1. Sitting at home with my family gathered around, eating good food and talking or playing a game or just goofing off.
2. Hearing my wife laugh and giggle.
3. Finding a well-made movie with an actual moral point, something that contains a message of decency or courage, honesty or perserverance.
4. Swimming. Hiking. Escaping to nature.
5. Gratitude: I find the trait of gratitude in others to be an extremely attractive quality..
6. Sitting down with a well-written, thoughtful or inspiring book:
7. Coming home to excited shouts of, “Yay! Daddy’s home.
8. Simple Human Decency: People doing good to strangers inspires me and fills me with hope and joy.
9. Writing …
10. Inspiration and Epiphanies. From others. From Above. Insight. The “a-ha” moments in life. I just deeply enjoy those light bulb, sudden realization moments.
11. Hearing my daughter play piano or sing,
12. Reading wonderful comments.
13. Playing piano … sometimes.
14. Playing guitar … always.
15. Going to church. Just love it. The community of like-minded people. The mutual encouragement. The religious and moral instruction. The contemplation. The weekly reminder that life has meaning and purpose in an ultimate sense, that there is reason behind it all and a reason we all are, that there’s a clockmaker behind the clock.
16. Hearing a good sermon
17. Children.
18. Buying a new book.
19. Discovering a new blog I really like.
20. Learning something new
21. Get-togethers at my brother’s place with the larger extended family
22. Rain. Perhaps oddly, I love the rain. It’s cool. It’s refreshing. It smells good
23. My garden.
24. Simple and (usually) healthy food
25. Friends..
27. Listening to great music.
28. Snuggling up on the couch with my wife.
29. Hugs.
30. Seeing progress toward my goals
31. Teaching.
The woman’s List:
101 Things That Bring Me Joy ::
1. hearty laughter.
2. cheering my team to victory.
3. Beethoven’s Pathetique.
4. waking up to snow.
5. seeing a full moon in a clear sky.
6. still being able to smile at the end of a long, difficult day.
7. playing piano without having to think about what I’m playing.
8. potlucks.
9. being reminded that not all of the wonderful men in the world are married.
10. creating something.
11. listening to an amazing pianist play my piano.
12. vanilla ice cream with strawberries.
13. comfortable new shoes.
14. the honk of Canadian geese.
15. Tevas.
16. feeling well again after being sick.
17. Sunday lunch invitations.
18. delicious fresh fruit.
19. line-dried sheets.
20. sunshine after many cloudy days.
21. seeing a meteor.
22. stimulating conversation.
23. making a brand new recipe that turns out to be amazing.
24. the change of seasons.
25. eggs.
26. coming up with a surprisingly creative idea.
27. a huge, cushy bed.
28. adorable, talkative, excited children.
29. ceremonies that involve gowns (weddings, graduations).
30. hilarious people whose emails make me laugh out loud.
31. donating blood.
32. freshly painted walls.
33. being right.
34. a good backrub.
35. four-part harmony (or five or six…).
36. clear blue sky on a crisp fall day.
37. reconnecting with old friends.
38. things that make sense.
39. certain single men.
40. discounts, coupons, sales, and free things!
41. comments on my blog.
42. finishing a complicated report!
43. hearing that two wonderful people are engaged.
44. whistling.
45. learning to play the hammered dulcimer.
46. walking on crunchy leaves.
47. hitting all green lights when I’m in a hurry.
48. getting lost in a good book.
49. seeing a Cuban immigrant at the grocery store… and knowing her name.
50. realizing I didn’t make a huge blunder after all.
51. a good compliment.
52. getting into a sun-warmed car on a chilly day.
53. feeling beautiful.
54. accents.
55. getting the answers I need.
56. going to bed early.
57. remembering that I am loved with an Everlasting Love.
58. writer’s UN-block
59. aha moments.
60. knowing that I made a wise decision.
61. being caught up after getting behind.