God’s Approved Worker Series
Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The approved worker for the Lord is busy doing God’s business. What business? 1- God’s worker reminds people of scriptural truth 2- God’s worker correctly handles God’s Word 3- God’s worker avoids anything ungodly
INTRO.- Did you ever know a “yes man” or “a teacher’s pet”? These such people have been called by other names, which are not so flattering or nice. What’s the idea?
The idea is someone who is always trying to please certain people (the teacher, the boss, etc.) in order to get on their good side. DID YOU KNOW SOMEONE LIKE THAT?
ILL.- I remember well a guy named Sam who worked for Safeway back in the 1960‘s. And I’d like to where he is now and what he’s done all his life, because he was a royal “yes man” for the manager of our store. He’d do anything the manager asked him to do. For example, if he worked the 3 to midnight shift and the manager asked him if he could come back to work at 7 the next morning, Sam would do it.
Why did he do it? Because he was a hard worker? Yes, he was a hard worker but I don’t think that was the main reason. I think it may have been two-fold: He wanted to get ahead and make that money. He wanted to move “up” in the grocery business, and of course, he wanted to please the manager. He knew that to move “up” he would have to do whatever the manager wanted him to do.
I think it’s good to be a hard worker and please your boss or manager.
Colossians 3:22-24 “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
Paul was speaking about slaves but I believe we can apply this to being an employee today. And he is saying that we must obey our earthly bosses not just to win their favor (Ah ha! There it is) but also and more importantly, out of reverence for the Lord.
We are serving the Lord whatever we do in life. And we must please Him most of all. And it is pleasing to Him when we work hard and/or do good work for our earthly employers.
Our ultimate boss, manager, employer, owner is the Lord! And more than anything in life we must seek His approval! We must be approved by Him!
Galatians 1:10 “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Paul was most concerned about winning God’s approval whether people approved of him or not. And so it should be with us. And Paul speaks of God’s approved worker in our text.
PROP.- The approved worker for the Lord is busy doing God’s business. What business?
1- God’s worker reminds people of scriptural truth
2- God’s worker correctly handles God’s Word
3- God’s worker avoids anything ungodly
14 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
ILL.- “If I told you once, I told you a thousand times to....” Did you ever say words like these to your kids? I’m sure you did.
It seems like kids need constant reminders to: pick up their clothes, clean their room, brush their teeth, wash their hands, blow their nose, comb their hair, turn off the lights, shut the door, do their homework, carry out the trash, etc. TRUE?
We all need to be reminded of important matters in life. And scripture is given to remind us to seek the Lord and His will for our lives. Scripture is full of constant reminders, which we NEED AND MUST HEED!
Romans 15:15 “I have written you quite boldly on some points, as if to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me.”
I also want to write boldly in order to remind people about the faith of Christ. I want to preach boldly as well! The professional Ministry (if you want to call it that) is basically constantly reminding the people in regard to the faith with the use of scripture. I’ve even started to do this on my “facebook” page by putting scriptures there, some of my daily prayers, and Christian quotes. I WANT TO ADVERTISE FOR THE LORD. I want to remind people about Jesus. I want to point to Him!
II Peter 1:12-13 “So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body.”