D.i.y. Series
Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the 7th sermon in the series "Living In Times Of Spiritual Decay".
Series: Living In Times Of Spiritual Decay[#7]
Judges 17:1-18:31
My wife had control over the television Saturday as I was trying to prepare for this sermon. You don’t have to worry about me being distracted because she was watching some bad shows. Every 30 minutes for several hours she was watching all of these “Do it yourself” shows. These shows are so popular that have even come up with the DYI (Do It Yourself) channel.
My dad engrained a very important philosophy in my mind as a young boy. He told me that I needed to either learn how to do it myself or it get a job that paid enough to pay someone that was qualified to do it. Why would I want to watch those shows to learn how to do it myself when it would be a lot cheaper for me to hire someone else to do it. Anyone that knows me knows that if I try to fix it not only will it take me 3 times longer and cost me 3 times more; but it will also cost me a lot more time confessing all of those additional sins to God.
The Book of Judges tells us about a time of spiritual decay. It tells us about a time of rebellion against God that affected not just the spiritual lives of the Israelites, but also all of the other aspects of their lives.
Unfortunately, there are many similarities to the time of the judges and today. Judges 17:6 tells us, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit”. God was supposed to be the King of Israel, but they chose differently. By the way, Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords; but is He the King of kings and Lord of lords of your life? Judges chapters 17 and 18 are examples of “Do It Yourself” builders; is this you? Look with me at 3 areas of building.
Building A Family
Doing It God’s Way
God gave us perimeters and guidelines for building a family. Let me summarize it for you.
A man and a woman are to leave their parents and become one. Then, in God’s time, they may have children in whom they are to raise according to God’s standards. When these children do wrong, you discipline them (spank their behind), not count to 2 ¾ ‘s and then throw out more empty threats. Not only do you teach these children the way of the Lord, but you live it before them.
As these children become adults and they began to have their own families you do these 3 things:
1. Pray for them daily.
2. Encourage them to remember their godly raising.
3. Be a godly Grandparent. This doesn’t mean you can’t spoil your grandkids. What this means is you need to let their parents discipline them and don’t let those grandkids act like the devil when you are watching them.
Doing It Your Way
Judges 17:1-5
Micah’s mother made 2 costly mistakes while doing it herself:
1. She excused sinful behavior. “Letting it slide” seems to be a popular technique for parenting.
2. She encouraged and assisted her son in sinful behavior.
Not only did Micah’s mother make these mistakes, but she passed them on to her son. The proof of that is found in the fact that Micah appointed his son as a priest of his “homemade church”.
Before you become too critical of Micah and his mother, ask yourself if this “shoe” fits. Let me give some examples:
1. When your child or grandchild says a cuss word do you take care of that with some soap and water or do you say, “Well that’s not that bad of a word”.
2. When your kid doesn’t want to go to church do you say, “Get your lazy behind up” or do you say “Well that’s o.k., that church just wants your money anyhow”.
3. When your church is having a dispute does your child or grandchild watch and listen to you pray for your pastor and church or does your child or grandchild watch and listen to you call everyone you can to destroy your pastor and church.
Preachers, I better move on before someone in here gets convicted and starts doing it God’s way and not their own!
Building A Church
Doing It God’s Way
In building a Church, God has set perimeters and guidelines for this also.
Matthew 16:13-19
The Church is built upon Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Once you become a member of the Jesus’ Church you are to begin to grow up. You grow by reading God’s Word, praying, fellowshipping with other believers, worshipping God with other believers at a local congregation, etc…