7 Characteristics Of The Man Of Steel Series
Contributed by Eduardo Quintana on Oct 21, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: We have a crisis in our homes because we have failed. Where are the men of steel? Where are the men that will stand firm?
We have a crisis in our homes because we have failed. Where are the men of steel? Where are the men that will stand firm? If things are going well in our business, who gets the credit? If you go into bankruptcy, whose head rolls? When things are going well, everyone gets the credit, but when things are not going well, the coach’s head rolls. The one to blame for the home going bad is the man, not the woman. Today, men are allowing women to have the authority that was given to them.
1,000,000 men walk out on their home each year, and many of them never say good-bye. Because of that, there are over One million children in single family homes.
Men, we have a call to father the fatherless. The family is important, because weak homes build weak churches, and weak businesses, and weak nations.
Men, I hope you are paying attention to me today. I want to share with you 7 characteristics of what makes men of steel. Stay tuned for the follow up of this article when I will continue with what makes men of velvet.
Here are some characteristics of Men of Steel.
1. A Man of Steel is committed.
First, they are committed to God, then to 3 specific things after God.
a. They are committed to providing for the family. And this is not just physical things. It is emotional things as well. It is being the leader in spiritual things in the home.
b. They are committed to protection. Men are the umbrella of the home.
c. They are committed to pointing God’s Way. It should be the fathers who lead their sons and daughters to Christ.
2. A Man of Steel should be a man of conviction.
A man of steel studies what he believes and can tell the family why he holds the beliefs that he does.
3. A Man of Steal is a man of courage.
Too many sons see weak fathers. Are you a man who stands for right even if it means you will not get ahead? Be fearless. What I have seen is that men don’t like to make decisions because they are afraid of failure. Remember, we can fail with Jesus. Yet, how many times in the home do we hear children ask if they can do so and so, and the response is, let me think about it when we know the answer should be no. What we are doing is teaching our children to make their own decisions because we won’t. "Let our yes be yes, and our no be no."
4. A man of steel is a man of character.
Masculine character. We need men to be men and women to be women. To talk like a man, to act like a man, to be a man. A man of moral purity, for what you do in moderation, your kids will do in excess.
5. A man of steel is constructive.
He is always building up, not tearing down. There is a way to be critical by building up. To pull our kids close and say we appreciate them. How do you come home at night? All day you have been Mr. Personality, then you walk into the house and kick the dog, or the wife, pick up the newspaper after walking by the wife and kids, and bury yourself in the newspaper? We need to be constructive. A constructive man knows his wife. Some men never take 5 minutes to read a book to learn about their wife, it is no wonder marriages are falling apart. God has given us dominion and leadership, and we need to take it an run with it. Proverbs says, "Train up a child in the way he should go." We need to know the gifts and talents God has placed in our children so they go right.
6. A Man of Steal is a man of Confidence.
Self-esteem, a sense of belonging, confidence. We need confidence in God; you need to know this about yourself, You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Confidence in family, to trust the wife and kids, to be proud of them.
7. Finally a man of steel needs to be controlled.
Submitted to God, in obedience to God. You need to be thinking and doing what God wants you to think and do.
Are you a Father and a husband? Are you a man of steal as outlined in these 7 points? Could you make some changes in your life? If you think you could, pray to God that He would make you the man that He created you to be.