
Summary: (Devotional Series 7/50) In many ways, Manoah’s child was a "special case." But we Christians can learn a lot here about bringing up a children.


Judges 13:1-14

Devotional Series

In many ways, Manoah’s child was a "special case." But we Christians can learn a lot here about bringing up a children.

I. First Principle

The child is a gift from God! Nowadays we know all about "How babies areborn"! But verse 3 looks at it from God’s end. Our children are really his, and we look after them for him.

II. Second Principle

The child must be prayed over BEFORE he is born. Berses 8 and 12 show you Manoah’s greatest concerns, which made him pray to the Lord before the baby arrived. It is never too soon to pray.

III. Third Principle

The child must given to God from bith. What a mistake to let a child live without God until he gets old enough to go his own way! Look at verse 5. This was to start young. How can we help our children to do the same?

IV. Fourth Principle

The child learns most by watching his parents. This child was to get his first lessons in following the Lord from the example of his own mother (4, 14). He would become what she became first.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, bless all our "young married," and help them to become good Christian parents.

Keynote: "Teach us do with the boy" (8)

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